Chapter 20. Raghav teaches Shrishti to cycle

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'I am here.' Shrishti chirped as she almost ran to her neighbour's lawn where Raghav and Arpit were waiting for her with Megha who was standing beside the cycle. Shrishti was dressed in joggers' pants and a t-shirt with her hair done in two low pony tails on each side of her head. She felt she was dressed appropriately for a cycling session.

'You are so lucky, Pari Di. Raghav Bhaiyya is going to teach you.' Megha sounded as excited as Shrishti felt. Arpit was sitting on the chair resting his feet in front of him while Raghav looked at her solemnly. Will it kill the man to smile politely when meeting people? Shrishti mused as she came to stand beside the cycle and smiled at the little family in front of her.

'I know. Arpit already told me that Raghav was the one who taught him to cycle.', Shrishti replied.

'And me too. He taught me too.' Megha chirped.

Shrishti grinned at the girl before turning to Raghav and looked at him eagerly. 'So lets start.'

'Not without protection.' Raghav informed her before turning to Megha who grabbed the bag lying beside Arpit's chair and handing it over.

Out came from the bag, a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. Shrishti looked at those things with wide eyes. She did not know she had to be this prepared just to ride a cycle.

Arpit saw her reaction and chuckled. 'You don't need those to ride a cycle. They are there till you learn. Just in case, you fell down.'

'Will it hurt that much?' Shrishti was worried now.

Arpit shrugged.

Megha spoke up just then, 'Bhaiyya said you are very delicate. So Bhaiyya bought all these just for you.'

Shrishti's eyes widened and she looked at Arpit who shook his head and pointed to Raghav. Raghav bought them for her? She turned her wide eyes to Raghav who ducked his head down while acting as if he was checking the helmet.

Shrishti shook her head before looking at Megha playfully. 'Your brother is such a softie.'

Arpit laughed at that while Raghav cleared his throat. When Shrishti looked at him, he avoided her eyes while handing the accessories to her.

Few minutes later, Shrishti was ready and seated to learn the cycle. Raghav held the handle for her and ordered her to peddle. It took her a bit of strength to start peddling. Once she adjusted she started to peddle properly only for the handle to wobble. Raghav had to grab the back of the seat with one hand and the handle with the other to keep her stable enough.

'This is weird. I cannot do this.', she murmured feeling scared. She knew logically that if she fell it would not be that painful. Yet, the fear from her childhood was still there.

'Don't worry. I am holding you.'

Raghav's words made Shrishti glance at him. Her fear must have been written on her face because the man repeated himself, 'Don't worry. I am holding you. I will not let you fall.'

He was looking at her with determination and that gave her the assurance. She nodded and turned back to the road. They were slowly moving but now she put a bit of force and increased the speed. It was still at the pace of walking and Raghav continued to walk beside her, holding the handle and the back of the seat.

A grin came to her face as she slowly started to enjoy it.

'Shall I leave the handle? Do you want to try controlling it?, Raghav asked her. She nodded eagerly.

He let go of the handle and even though it took her a while she managed to control it.

An hour passed and Shrishti managed to get a hang of riding the cycle. Raghav taught her how to stop the cycle without falling and also how to sit and start peddling without someone holding the cycle for her. He even taught her how to turn, though he had to hold the handle for her during the turns.

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