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"HI! My name is Luna! I'm entering the Magikai tournament and I am looking for a sparring partner. So... it's your lucky day bucko!" What? This bloody Elf can't be serious? Who does she think she is approaching me like this? The nerve of this one! Although I will admit, her strength is quite passable for an Elf of this stature, but there is something odd about her, I can't quite place it...

"So, you want to be my sparring partner? I should have you know I am entering the tournament myself! So I'll take you up on your offer. Let's see if you can lay a finger on me Elf." I challenge her, but she gives me this wide grin, as if she was filled with excitement to fight.

"I get to fight someone strong! Hooray! This is going to be awesome!" You can't be serious! Is she insane? Well this is an opportunity to show my strength, but I have to go easy on her. Her power level is nothing to worry about. She gets into her fighting stance and... wait, where have I seen that stance before?

"Ready..." I have to think about it later, gotta stay ready!

"GO!" Wait! She just zipped out of sight? How is she moving so fast. Come on Luke, focus. While my eyes are closed I can hear her footsteps from behind me. She's throwing a right hand, easy dodge! Now I'm behind her. Now to strike at her neck, this will end the fight quickly!

"Too slow!" How? She so fast! I thought I had her! Just who is she? She starts bombarding me with heavy offensive attacks of rapid speed. I managed to block a few of them, but a select number of her punches caught me in the face. This is no ordinary Elven woman. She is way stronger than she is letting on

"You're pretty strong! You're giving me a run for my money! Say, what village do you hail from?" I ask her.

"Oh, I'm just a wanderer, traveling the world trying to test my strength against strong opponents. Nothing really special in that regard." I don't buy that for a second, there is more to this Elf than she's letting on.

"You are a strange one, Luna is it? Your much more stronger than you appear. May I ask if you are holding back?" She smiles at me. Does she find my question amusing.

"I'd figured I'd hold back my power, since this a sparring match, but it looks like you were holding back as well weren't you handsome?" Thanks for the handsome part.

"How perceptive of you fine lady, let's say we turn things up a little, shall we?" A slight nod comes from her head and we both rush at each other. Both of our fists connect with each other and I can feel her vast Magikai power emanating from her body. We traded attacks back and forth, blocking each other's attempts with precision. While she was attacking me, I see and opening in her guard, I go for a strike, but she grabs my arm and puts me in an armbar. This Elf is crafty, but I'm no pushover. I pick her up and I slam her into the wall of the garden, but she does not relinquish the hold. She is determined.

"Had enough Handsome?" Flirting during a fight? A strange woman...

"Hardly!" I break free by kicking her in the face. We then both get to our feet, ready to go again.

"My Prince!" Ah... sister.

"Prince! You're a prince?" She asks me.

"Yes, he is Prince Luke Faliras of the royal Faliras family! What are you doing fighting a knife ear in the hanging gardens of all places?" Sounds like she's pissed off.

"Dear sister, this is all a huge misunderstanding, this Elf directly challenged me to a sparring match and her strength is unbelievable. She elected to be my sparring partner." Unbelievable is an understatement, how was she able to mask her power like that? This woman is a mystery.

"That's ludicrous! There is no way this Elf is a powerful fighter! Come now, the king awaits your presence." Father... what does he want now?

"Very well, Luna...I shall see you in the tournament, if I don't see you sooner." Her ability and talent... she is no ordinary Elven woman, I have never faced a being with that much power, except for my father. She is indeed interesting, I'll have to find out more about her. She is an excellent fighter, far beyond a simple talented combatant, I wonder who trained her.

"Father is getting rather unsettling with his power lately. I know I'm not the only one who notices that." My sister then turns around and faces me, her expression showing concern.

"All the more reason that you must succeed him in taking the golden throne, this kingdom is on edge ever since our war with the Elves ended." On edge is an understatement, he has become a dictator, cutting off trade with dwarves and treating our Elven citizens with absolute disdain. It's strange, he was never like this before the war... something is amiss.

"The only way I can do that, is if I win the Magikai tournament. Oddly enough, he the one overseeing the whole competition." My sister looks at me with a expression of pure belief and trust.

"This tournament feels more different than the others, I wonder what our father has to tell us?" Knowing him as of late, nothing good. We approach the throne room and we see him sitting on the Golden Throne. His Midnight Black Armor shining as the rays of the sun reflect off of it. But wait, I've always known my father's energy was massive, but this... there is a raging darkness in his aura.

"Ah, my son and daughter, I must introduce you to someone that will be helping me oversee the tournament." I look to my left, and an old man with a rather pointed beard emerges. His power is lower than my father's, but why do I feel uneasy around him?

"It is an honor to meet the crown prince and army general, Tseng Kai, at your service..." Who is this old man? And why is he helping my father with the tournament?

"Tseng Kai is a learned man, who knows everything about the Magikai tournament, he has also studied the most powerful of magic from all across the land of Karis and beyond." Lands from beyond Karis? Just what kind of magic did he study?

"Father, why did you really call me here? It isn't to reminisce about the good old days I bet." I question him.

"I can see that you made your ambitions for the throne very clear, but I don't think you're ready to be a true King. There is a reason why I have ruled for so long... because I understand the decisions that a King must make. You are among the many who have criticized my reign, my own son, so eager for the crown." My father always thought that I was not good enough for him, but I don't care what he thinks! I will take the crown from him and repair the damage he has done to the kingdom.

"However, if you want to become king, you must defeat me in the tournament. Since that is your wish. I'm sure you and your sister know the rules of the tournament. Whomever wins will be granted a wish by the gods themselves. That is, if you can beat the other contestants that seek whatever they sole desire! Best be prepared my son, for blood is guaranteed in the arena." My father sternly says as he walks off.  The sorcerer looks at me, his green eyes glowing with power as he follows behind my father.

"This coming tournament is not what it seems to be." Danica says. I am inclined to agree with her, whatever my father has planned for this tournament, is making me uneasy.

"Whatever he has planned, we best prepare for it. This tournament will be the toughest test that any fighter has faced." Of that I am sure.

Hey there guys. So, what do you think of the Prince and his family?

What is your assessment of the mysterious old man?

Let me know in the comments!

See you guys soon!

See you guys soon!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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