ACT I; Chapter One: The Wandering Elf [Luna POV]

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Hey there! It's me Luna! It's so awesome to meet you! Welcome to the world of Karis... a land deep in the far eastern hemisphere of the world, where magic is ever present and flowing in every living creature. Among the most brightest spots in the country, is the capital of Karis... Aravind. Some call it a backwater city, but it's far from it. This is home to some of the most strongest fighters in the land. And I can't wait to test my strength against them! But before I do that... my stomach has been growling for hours ever since I came here from the forest.

Ah! Here it is, the Hungry Dragon. This restaurant is home to the best grub in the country, I'm glad I managed to stop here on my path. Walking in here was pretty easy though, no one noticed what I was, better yet how my ears are shaped. I know how certain people treat Elves, but I haven't met a human that has treated me bad yet.

"Hello, welcome to the Hungry Dragon, how can I help you?" The waitress asks me, handing me a menu. Oooh, so many great meals, I don't know where to start... decisions, decisions.

"I'll have the Dragon Ramen Noodles, with Beef and some Rice Cakes, and can you throw in some veggies please?" I ask The Waitress with a smile.

"Antyhing to drink?" She asks, writing down my order on her notepad.

"Do you have any Spring Water? If so, I'll have that with sparkling ice." She writes what I ask for on her notepad. As she goes off to get my order, I sit looking at my purse, full of twenty gold rubies. That should be enough for me to chow down on some grub! After thirty minutes of waiting, the waitress brings my order over. This aroma is intoxicating, the smell of the flavors are hitting me all at once.

"That will be 100 silver rubies please." I give her five of the gold rubies from my purse, which also covers her tip. She smiles at me and leaves me to enjoy this beautiful cuisine.

I just couldn't take it, I started devouring it like I was starving for days! Everyone was staring at me with astonishment, but I didn't care, I was hungry. By the Magikai gods, that was some good chowing down. I'm all filled up and ready to continue forward toward the Royal Palace. While I was going towards the door, five of these guys in villager tunics surround me. I don't know what their intention is, but I don't like it.

"Hey there fellas, is there a problem?" I ask as politely as I can.

"You look familiar, you bear a resemblance to a knife-ear that fought one of our guys and beat him up real good!" So... are these guys looking for payback? I didn't even encounter this guy they're talking about.

"I'm sure there's a misunderstanding here guys, I just came west from here. I heard about the tournament that is taking place here, thought I try my hand in it." They start guffawing at me, thinking I'm crazy, pretty rude if you ask me.

"Look here knife-ear! You took out our friend, now we are gonna do the same to you!" Sounds like they're serious! Gotta change the scenery.

"If you want a fight, let's take this outside!" Don't want to cause collateral damage in this restaurant after they served me some good grub. The thugs follow me out to the back of the restaurant, where the surrounding area is pretty wide.

"So, who wants to go first?" I smile, getting into my fighter stance. First guy charges at me, his posture is sloppy. Block his wild right hand, elbow to the chest. Knock him out with an uppercut to his chin. The other two men charge at me as well, hmmm... they're off balance. I dodge them and I kick them both into a wall, they'll be sleeping for a while. Oh, this one has a knife. He's trying to hit me, but he lacks discipline. Sidestep, kick to the ribs, I at least hear three crack in his body... ouch!  Last guy, wonder what he's gonna do?

"I don't even know these guys, just let me go eh?" Well make me a cotton candy sundae, I think he's pissed himself. I cock my head to the right, giving him the signal to run for the hills. Whomever these bozos were looking for, wasn't me.

"I would have killed them, they were weak anyway..." That voice, I know that husky tone anywhere...

"Misha..." Well now, this is rather unexpected. I look up and there she is, perched on top of the building on my left.

"Hello sister... it's been many years. How has your self exile from our clan going for you?" She never fails to bring that up... she'll never understand.

"I thought you said I was no longer of your tribe? Why call me sister?" I ask her.

"Despite what I've said, the elder still considers you part of the tribe. You were always her favorite, even though you were the weakest of us! I don't understand what she saw in you." Why does she hate me so much? Have I done something to her to make her this way?

"Why are you here Misha? Are you here to fight me?" It's most likely why she's here, to once again try to defeat me.

"I'm not here to fight you... yet. I'm entering the Magikai tournament. And by the looks of it, you're entering as well aren't you?" So she's entering as well, I figured as much. But, all in all, my blood is pumping with excitement!

"I'd figured you'd be entering the tournament, I hope to see how strong you became!" I smile at her, I can tell it just urks her that I am so pumped about this tournament!

"Enjoy that smile while you can! You low class! I will be the one to once again wipe it off of your face!" She says as she teleports away. She will try, but I'm not gonna lose so easily. Now that I know that Misha is entering the tournament, I'd better start training hard! If I ever want to test my strength against the best, I have to stay sharp! Looks like I have to find someone strong to spar with in this town.

Getting out of the back area of the restaurant, I continue wandering around the city searching for a Magikai power level that's massive. Dawn, too many people to focus on. Wait, what did the elder say to me before? That's right! I need to be fully in tune with my own power to sense Magikai! I need to clear my head. I Close my eyes and I drown out all noise, and I just focus on the feeling of the energy around me. Eventually, I sense a strong power level west of the hanging gardens.

"That'll do!" I dash towards the location feeling the energy getting louder as I get to the hanging gardens. I take a look at the person from a distance, and he's wearing royal garments. He is most definitely someone of great importance. And he's practicing a kata. He must be an awesome fighter! I'm gonna approach him respectfully. As I approach him, he throws a rock at me, but I catch it with ease!

"Who are you? Why come you here?" He asks me. Boy is he cute too, I wonder what kind of crazy power he has?

"HI! My name is Luna! I'm entering the Magikai Tournament and I'm looking for a sparring partner! And... it's your lucky day bucko!" This is going to be fun!

Hey there guys! This is a book that I was inspired to write from watching the DragonBall franchise and Martial Arts Movies.

What do you think of the main character Luna? What do you think about her personality?

Let me know in the comments, any feedback is appreciated and welcome.

See you soon!

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