Their Favourite Thing About You

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Vessel: The way you kiss him
● You kiss him many times. And he says that out of all the girls he dated (which made you a little jealous knowing he had other girls before you), you were the most affectionate and you have the cutest kisses (I myself don't know how that works, just understand it okay?)
● He once admitted that whenever you kiss him it turns him on. "Oh and my love, did I mistake you for a sign from God? Or are you really here to cut me off? Or maybe just to TURN ME ON?" Get it? Lollll

II: You learn really fast
● II loves you alot but the thing he likes the most about you is that you learn drumming very quickly.
● In a course of 2 weeks, you learnt the groove of The Summoning and he was really proud. He also admitted that even though he himself is a professional drummer, he couldn't learn the groove so quick like you. (Edited on 14th May 2024 because I got mixed up with IV and II)

III: You give him a lot of attention
● *sighs* Being the clingy and affectionate person he is, he likes getting a lot of attention and Ves doesn't give him too much attention during concerts. But maybe it's because he clings onto Vessel while he is playing the piano/keyboard (like during Aqua Regia and maybe during Blood Sport I guess).
● He says that your affection made him really happy and he likes it when YOU are the one needing affection. You two are clingy to eachother, I can say.

IV: You care about him
● You care about him a lot. The other members, they are brutal to him (since they like teasing and bullying him. Normal stuff lol)
● You like spending time with him and so does he like spending time with you. Whenever something happens to him, you're the first to help him and he says that it proves that you love him.

Omg we reached more than 100 reads. Thank you alot >/////<
I realised that I get a lot of reads but no comments or anything. Maybe it's because everyone just reads it with no need to comment? I really don't know myself.
Anyway, if you have any requests or ideas, please please please tell me and I'll make it. No need to be shy darling!
(Not me thinking that bots are just reading my book that's why noone comments lol. Is that even possible?)

Anways bye! Seeya in the next chapter!

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