Experiment-000 (Teaser)

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sirens screamed out in the air as screeching and gunfire drowned out their warring cries.

The smell of smoke, gunpowder and the iron stench of blood was thick in the streets of the city as a woman carrying a small child in her arms ran through the aftermath of a bloody fight between monster and man alike.

with her hand on the back of the child's head she kept their head down to spare them from the gruesome sight of dozens of bodies littering the street, painting the pale sidewalks red.

She ran past numerous monsters feasting upon their fresh kills and carefully navigated through the road filled with abandoned cars.

as one such flying creature tore an arm off a dead corpse, it lifted her head and noticed her fleeing. with an angry screech the birdlike monster flapped its wings ready to take off into the air only to be gunned down by a barrage of bullets.

the woman gasped, ducking down in fright as she looked back to see armed militants shooting every creature on sight.

turning a corner she rushed down an alleyway out of sight to stop for a moment and catch her breath. Looking back at the street she came from, she could hear the soldiers shouting as some new creatures came charging down the streets in swarms towards them.

an orange glow of fire lit up the alley as one of the soldiers blasted the creature's with a flamethrower, burning everything in his path.

fearfully the woman looked around for a place to hide away from the conflict and out of sight. seeing a cracked door of a house, she quickly went over to it, running across another street and opened it up, entering the abandoned building with no one inside.

shutting the door behind her she made her way to the back of the house away from the windows and doors as more gunfire and screeching roared outside. finding a basement door she hesitantly moved down below keeping an eye out for any possible dangers.

Once she was sure no one or nothing was there she found a dark corner behind some shelves, an old cabinet hidden away out of sight from the stairs.

Kneeling down, the woman pried the child from her front and set her down with a blanket inside the cabinet before cupping the young girl's face in her hands.

The small child had a head of messy black hair and violet eyes, that looked up at the woman, confused. the woman before her flinched at the sound of something exploding outside and cast a sideways glance to the stairs afraid of something possibly finding them.

When she turned her attention back to the child she gave her a small sad smile as her irises glowed with a strange blue hue. "I'm sorry my darling..."

The child just looked at the woman innocently, and confused as she leaned in, pecking a kiss on her forehead.

The sound of something breaking into the house upstairs above them startled the woman and she quickly pulled away. shutting the doors of the cabinet with the child inside.

The little girl watched absently through a Crack in the cabinet doors as the woman left the basement.

she flinched and whimpered at the sound of roaring upstairs followed by gunfire as light flashed from up top. The body of a strange creature tumbled down the stairs after being gunned down and more fighting ensued above as the little girl clutched her blanket fearfully hiding away out of sight.

moments later the fighting ceased within the house but she could still hear the distant battles from outside, as the city burned and the war between humans and creatures alike raged on.

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