chapter 33

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The fleeing doctor could hear the sound of screaming and gunfire all around him. subject-59 was not the only one free'd from his vault. the more he thought about it the angrier he became. 

this wasn't how it was supposed to go. His life's research on these creatures was supposed to help the human race, to allow them to fight back. turn nature against itself and give them a fighting chance. So why… Why was everything crumbling down all around him?!

The entire facility shook once more, nearly knocking the man off balance as he got to his lab. What was causing these tremors?! Was he already too late? Has the cleansing already begun? locking down his lab and closing the doors, the doctor made his way over to his office.

If he could contact someone from outside then maybe he can get reinforcements into the facility and stop this outbreak.

picking up the phone he attempted to contact someone to no avail. no matter how many times it rang, no one picked up. ‘Why is no one at headquarters answering?!’

opening his laptop the doc's eyes widened at the sight before him. an emergency signal had been sent out from HQ warning all the facilities to lock down. This system alert came over 45 minutes ago, he had been so preoccupied with his newfound discovery that he never saw it.

sitting down in his chair the doctor stared at the screen in disbelief. He had run out of time far sooner than he thought. He believed had more time to work on his project, and to gain control over subject-59 but in reality he was too late, the end had already begun when the creature's all started acting strange. 

‘I should've known.’ he buried his face in his hands while leaning against his desk. 

the surface must be in absolute disarray, far worse than this facility.

lowering his hands from his face he looked to the papers on his desk and stood up. ‘No. this isn't the end. I haven't failed yet! I still have all my research and myself, part of 59’s core is still inside of me– I can find other subjects to experiment on, ones that are stronger, and easier to control!”  

The doctor's body was proof of something! if he couldn't control the creatures, perhaps he could find another method. perhaps they can combat the monster's with abilities of their own?

He quickly started gathering papers into a briefcase and even started forwarding any information he could on the computers, to HQ. “Soon enough the creature's in this facility will rush to the surface to escape and continue their massacre. Once it's safer in the halls and things have calmed down I can make a distress call and get picked up. then with my research I can go elsewhere and–”

he stopped as the lights in his lab and office suddenly flickered and went out encasing the rooms in darkness. kerian could somehow sense him coming…

setting the briefcase down quietly he stood still waiting, and watching the doorway. slowly he made his way out of his office and peered into the lab, looking for any signs of it.

Only then did he notice how quiet it had gotten out in the halls. stepping towards the glass windows that peered out, all he could see was a black void. like the room itself had been swallowed whole. 

dread seeped into his bones as he looked at his own reflection in the glass. an all too familiar dark figure was standing there behind him menacingly. 

panicked he spun around to face the monster only to be greeted by the sight of…Ava?

“Were you planning to escape and run away?” She questioned. looking at her more closely the doctor noticed her eyes were now silver in color? No. This wasn't Ava…

Subject-59Where stories live. Discover now