Chapter 2

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The feeling of something trailing across the back of my neck made me gasp. Something about it felt inhuman, felt wrong. It wasn't natural.

"You shouldn't be here…" a voice seemed to whisper in my ear. Filling me with a sense of dread. Before I could look back I was suddenly grabbed and in turn I shrieked. 

My sudden scream took the stranger by surprise and he quickly let go, confused by my panic. "woah hey, relax it's just me!" he chuckled, only for the smile on his face to fade into concern when he noticed the look of panic and pure fear in my eyes. 

"Ava?" he questioned. 

 Snapping out of my panicked state I shook my head and looked up at him as he moved closer. It was the doctor.

"Are you alright?"  he looked me over, seeming concerned but didn't move any closer or touch me, as if afraid I might bolt. I grabbed my head trying to get a hold of myself. I swear I felt something strange but was it just him?

Then I realized something and quickly spun around to look at the blast doors once more. Only now they were completely sealed shut.

"What are you doing over here?" he asked, but I didn't pay attention. I was too focused on the fact the door into S-59's containment cell was now shut even though it was open only a moment prior.

I should have heard it close. These doors are heavy and usually creek… Not to mention the alarm's should have been going off…what is happening?

 "Ava?" he called out my name again drawing me from my thoughts. 

"y-yes?" I responded, and looked up, meeting his light grey eyes. He waited a moment before cautiously reaching  towards me like I was a scared animal. His hand grazed my cheek affectionately and I relaxed a bit from the sensation I felt being touched by him. 

"Are you okay? You seem a bit…out of it."

That was a good question. I was supposed to be going back to my room but somehow wandered here to the containment sector. How did I even get down here? 

"i-..." I glanced back at the blast doors, unsure how to explain my predicament.

"You look pale, Jade told me you weren't feeling well. On my way over to the cafe I noticed you just standing here in the hall, blankly staring at the door…" he looked at the door as well trying to see what had grabbed my attention but there was nothing out of the ordinary. 

After a few moments he returned his gaze to me but I hardly acknowledged him, too deep in my own thoughts. "Ava, you're worrying me…"

I relaxed a bit, feeling like a fool for being so on edge, it was probably just the breeze from a vent or something… "im fine kerian just a little jittery from the coffee this morning…" turning back to look at him a scowl made its way on my face. "and you shouldn't sneak up on people like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" 

A half hearted smile made its way back on his face as he chuckled nervously. "sorry I didn't think i'd spook you that bad you were just standing there…" he glanced at the door and I followed his gaze half expecting it to be open again. There's no way I imagined that right?

"So, mind telling me what's on your mind, or what has you so jumpy?" he questioned, walking over to stand in front of me.

"it's nothing… I'm pretty sure I was just daydreaming and you startled me is all." 

He was silent before stepping closer. He looked down at me, seeming unsure about my answer. 

"You know you can talk to me, right?" he cupped my cheek and leaned in for what I assumed was a kiss, taking me by surprise. The kiss was just a peck to the lips, small and sweet. But it made me flustered and my cheeks turned red from the simple action.

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