Chapters 201-210

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When Alfie brought food to the room, Vincent pulled the cart inside. Eve said, "I don't have an appetite." Not with a dead person in the room.

Vincent pushed the cart and placed it next to her, "I wouldn't have minded you not eating, but you need energy to dig the grave to bury this woman in it." Noticing Eve imagine it, he taunted, "Don't tell me you were hoping I would do all the work by myself, did you?"

Eve pursed her lips. In less than a few hours, she had turned into a criminal. First, she had killed a person, and now she was going to bury and hide the body. She replied, "I did not."

"Good. Eat now. They are things you can digest," commented Vincent, pulling the chair next to her. He said, "The woman died trying to drink you dry, you should be the last person to be sad about it."

"I am not sad. It isn't every day I sit in the same room as the dead and have my meals."

Vincent smirked while trying to get under Eve's skin. He said, "If you didn't pick a woman of a high status, I would have taken you to Hollow Valley's finest inn to celebrate your first kill." He picked the long-stalked bean that was cooked in olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper.

As Eve ate the vegetables, she could feel Vincent's gaze on her the entire time. She asked him, "Where did you get those blood spots?"

"I went out for a walk and it drizzled blood. It was unavoidable," Vincent responded to Eve without looking away from her. "It is better to be ignorant about a few things."

"Haven't I already stepped into your world with both my feet?" Eve asked him, and she noticed his eyes smile.

"Silly girl. You might be on my side of the world, but you are a fish and don't have feet," Vincent leaned forward and whispered, "It is because I am holding you," and his lips curled.

He was protecting her by letting her know very little, than letting guilt weigh in her mind.

"Thank you for having my back, Vincent," thanked Eve, something Vincent had not expected her to do even though it was in her nature.

"You better be ready to dig ground the next time I need someone to do the job," Vincent saw Eve nod. "You don't have to worry about experience, you will learn quickly after the tenth time," he said nonchalantly, noticing her blink at him before a smile cracked on his lips.

Vincent bit into the beanstalk, watching the mermaid finishing her meal. As much as he wanted to corrupt her, he didn't want the world to corrupt her.

When everyone in the mansion went to sleep, the butler started cleaning the piano room to remove every trace of blood. Vincent and Eve left the mansion along with Lady Camille's body, away from Skellington.

In the carriage, Eve asked Vincent, "Are you sure about this?"

"Do you have a better idea than mine? I am open to suggestions," Vincent raised his eyebrows in question. "This will work just fine."

"You want to bury the body in Darthmore. Behind the council's building... " Eve wasn't at ease about it. It was as if a thief was going to the authorities to get caught. "How many bodies have you buried there before?"

"Why?" Vincent turned to her, and his eyes narrowed, "Do you plan to bury some in the future?"

"Of course, not! Why would I do that?"

"Self defence?" Vincent asked her, blinking his eyes, and Eve stared at him. "To answer your question, just a few of them."

The last time this pureblooded vampire had said he killed only 'handful' ones, it was not even a quarter of it. Eve murmured, "I see."

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