Chapter Two: A secret.

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Y/n continues to look over her as their fist locked on her head. The tension building between them. At any point he can open his hand and explode her head. She attempts to release y/n grip but nothing isn't letting up. "So any last words to you" "Wait wait... we can talk right... you look like a worker drone right" "Yes I am technically but a group of disassembly drones decided to spear me if only I help them." "Ugh can't you spare me for something..." I could but if they found out I would be dead and I'm still trying to get a hold on my life" Y/n explained to the worker drone. "Just let me go alright and get my weapons and be out of your hair." Y/n thinks for a moment and let's go and relieve their grip and don't explode it. "Fine... I'm just lost in life. If I'm honest I was a human at one point and after a while I lost what it meant to be human and all my old friends left me... before I knew it I was sent to war without a cause and almost died but then JCjesnson transformed into this... MONSTER And now I'm here 1071 years in the future without ANYONE to truly understand me." Y/n explains while their visor tears up. They didn't even notice the worker drone got up and got their weapon and watched them. "I don't know how to respond honestly I'm gonna go before I die" The purple worker drone runs somewhere out of the corpse spire. Y/n signs to themselves and gets up to reenter the pod. Y/N gets a feeling they'll see that person again. As they enter the pod y/n's visor states that a queued update was launched from earth and needs to be updated immediately. Y/N leans on one of the walls and starts the update as his body goes limp and the update begins. Meanwhile with the disassembly drones. N was above some building scouting for some worker drones and unfortunately came up empty handed again. He dreaded this feeling because he knew J wouldn't like it. He decided to stall by exploring an old facility Northwest of the pod. He activates his night vision and begins to look in the dark. He figured that it would be dark considering power hasn't been a thing for years on this planet. As he kept getting deeper and deeper he found an old censored document from Jcjenson but it was mostly just a Multi-million dollar agreement between the governments of earth. He thought it was a document named Y/n employment records. He remembered this was J introduced early and kept reading as it stated, "Y/n was mostly a test of endurance and was our best killer on the field for the war in 2009 named 'The worker rebellion' as those worker drones became too corrupted. Then in 2032 he disappeared from reality and nothing ever found him again." The rest of the paper was too decayed and destroyed to read anything else. He kept that part of documentation in his memory for any future use. He kept getting deeper and heard a slight distance vibration from a drawer. He instantly turned his hand into a blade and made his way toward the drawer. He enters a seemingly empty room with nothing but a desk and old broken chair. He opens the leftmost drawer of the desk and finds an old phone. He attempts to pick up the phone but as he does it sparks to his finger. Then his storage gets filled with unknown memories from various moments in time and everything from the future and past timeline combine into him and he begins to fall as everything he remembers hits him. Uzi, the colony, death , everything hits him. He almost falls as he hyperventilates and then he notices he changed like everything in the last year made him angry and sad and everything in between. His visor begins to sweat and his eyes go big and look at all the memories. "What the hell?" Then AND realized that it was him that talked. He looked around but nobody was there. "Hey buddy" were in your head or rather what is this... Processor I don't know" Another voice speaks, "You had it in his processor." "What are you people? Why are you in my head" "Well, were you with different personalities? I'm the mature side of you" "I'm the smart side of you N" "There are other parts but they'll show up later" N was taken back by what he was hearing in his mind. "Well what's your purpose here?" "To help you when you're in danger to be fair N... You're not the brightest when it comes to reading people for one J. She has been mistreating you for years and yet you haven't fought back or responded with a counterclaim" "Okay okay I get it. Sunrise in 30 minutes I need to go" As N fly's back to the pod the other voice in his head speaks and talks to him getting to understand each personality. As N lands he sees V and J talking clearly waiting for N arrival. "N... what took you so long," J says, sounding irritated. Before N can talk to himself the mature personality talks first in his system. "I was caught up with matters that required more attention" "Well it took you long enough." J looks at a table of some kind on her screen. "N! I SWEAR ON JCJESNON IF YOU DIDN'T KILL AGAIN FOR THIS HUNTING SECESSION" J yells at N. N eyes hollow and steps back. Before N can speak with his voice the mature one takes over again. "No worker drones were found on the Northwest side of this city." J goes to hit him on the head as the smart one overrides N movement and quickly dodge the attack. N is now not in control, only the smart personality is. "How did you dodge-" V asked as J began to attack N again. Nobody only continues to dodge and step back to keep his hands from attacking. "N! You motherfucker!" J yells as she throws a surprised punch. The smart one calculates the angle and measurement of the punches as he perfectly blocks J hands and pushes back with 881 newtons of force displayed on his visor. V and J are taken back by N superior strength that seemingly happened over night. "How the hell did N just block me..." "I don't know" N eyes come back to normal and look at the both of them. "Well if you attacked me at a 60 degree angle with ∑ over ∇∆ with integrated on the Z axis you would have had me down. With an impactful force of 10,921 newtons of force." Smart N explains to them before putting his hand behind him being respectful to J. The mature one takes over again. "Can we not today J? It would be in my best interest that we both don't fight about me getting kills next time I'll explore a more dense worker drone area." J and V noticed that something isn't right with N but they ignore it for now. "Fine, you better next time or else your scrap N" The disassembly drone entered the pod to see Y/n on the ground in sleep mode as they were up for a while already for more than 20 hours so the drone propped them up on the wall and let them sleep. N decides to sleep right above Y/n hang on to a pipe inside the pod.

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