Display of power

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We landed near my cafe. It was still early in the morning, so the cafe hadn't opened up yet and there was barely anyone there in the streets.

"You're a heartless person," I pushed him away and walked off.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Home," I said without looking back at him, "I can't look at you now." I wanted to glance back but I also knew it wasn't a good idea, "How could you be so cruel to your own mother?"

"..." He didn't give me a reply and I wondered if he was even there anymore. I wanted to look back, but I didn't want it to be obvious. So when I made it to the stairs outside the cafe, I turned my head to look at him while I ascended them.

He was still there, standing quietly with an aloof expression. His eyes were fixed on me but his eyes seemed to carry some sort of woe. Looking at him tugged at the strings of my heart.

Was I mean? I looked away. It wasn't my place to say anything but I still did


He was being far too cold.

I continued to go up and reached my room. Closing the door behind me, I let out a sigh.

Am I mad because he was cruel to his mother? Or am I mad because his actions make me feel like he's incapable of truly loving someone?

I stepped to the side and went to the window to look out.

Placing my hand on the glass I looked at the place where Hael was standing, but he was no longer there.

He left...

It made me feel worse than before.

God, I let out another sigh and walked to my bed. What am I supposed to do now? I hugged the pillow as I slumped on my bed.

He will come back for me, right? He is my trainer after all,


I hope he does. He told me he'd tell me about himself. And maybe when he does, I'll feel better.


Hael and I didn't meet or talk for a whole week. My mind was full of him but he was nowhere in sight, he didn't even attempt to talk to me. There was no magic from his side which he could have used easily to contact me.

But no,

I was left alone for the week and with nothing to do, I ran my cafe. The only thing different in me, was the tremendous amount of mana I had in me, which overflowed with the warm holy power.

It had merged with me and I knew I could heal tons of people easily now and not feel the consequences at all.

After a week, the notice came from the king.

I was to attend the party where I would be showing my powers. Shortly after the notice, came a dress with shoes and a matching fan.

I knew it was from Hael because of the magic around the box. It was weird I could sense magic with this much detail now but it felt like it was a blessing too.

I opened the box and took out the dress

describe the dress

It's so pretty. He always has such a nice choice. Even when he chose my engagement dress, he made sure to choose the prettiest one.

There was a note attached to it

'I'll pick you up at six,' The words were written with magic, and somehow, after I read that, it made me relax

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