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I stood in my private lab, in front of the stump sink that had a concoction in it, trying to make sense of what I was going through.

Husband material?

What is that even supposed to mean? Is it someone she would want as a husband? She wants to get married? With who? And why?


It's bothering me too much

I don't even understand why, but it's making me mad. Why did she abandon all that power and live the life of a commoner?

Just what is going through her head? I don't... I don't get it. Why is it so hard for me?

I stared at the swirling silver liquid, grasping around the black potion, trying to swallow it.

No, she can't do that.

I will not allow it.


There was only one knock on the door, indicating it was archmage May who had come to visit me. The mages knock according to their ranks.

"Come in," I answered as I put aside the empty vial of silver potion that I had poured in the sink.

"Master Hael," May stepped inside my lab

"Yes?" I kept my eyes on the potion I was making. The black liquid wasn't allowing the silver to eat it up and blend in.

"It seems you're busy," She stepped forward, "So, I'll get straight to the point," She stopped a few steps away from the door, "Why did you let that boy infected with miasma and her mother enter the city?"

"What makes you think I did that?" I added some magic to the potion. Maybe it needs a little push.

"You made the barrier around the city to detect if any miasma infected humans enter. I know you knew the infected child came in, but not only did you lead them towards the city square, you made sure it happened right when the new saint was there."

The silver potion began to take over the black concoction, blending it in itself.

I smiled, "Why are you asking me this arch mage May?" I raised my face to look at her, "Do you have a problem with my method?"

"No," She replied, "I like what you did." She smiled back at me, "We need that saint."

I smiled, "Of course, we do,"

"I just want to make sure you don't have any plans of handing her over to the temple."

"Oh no," I looked down at the potion again, the black color was fading away, giving itself over to the silver liquid, "You have no need to worry about that." I looked at my reflection in the liquid, "She will not go anywhere but here." With me.

"That's reassuring, it seems your talk with the king went well."

"It did, we'll have the new saint in the magic tower soon enough."

"That's good to hear," May turned around to leave, "Oh," She paused and looked back at me, "It seems the other barrier needs to be reinforced." She said, "The miasma filled animals seemed to pass through it."

"So I heard." I replied, "But is that our problem? The City Council had some of their mages make that barrier, they should manage it."

"True," She began to walk away, "It's not our problem. At least not yet."



I was given a room to stay in and now I was staring at the maids who barged in to get me ready for the party tonight.

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