CH 36. The Deal

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"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." — John 3:16 (Bible)



The world spun wildly around Jonathan as consciousness flickered back to life. A dull throbbing echoed in his head, a relentless drumbeat against the symphony of pain radiating from his wrists. 

Cold dampness seeped through his clothes, a clammy reminder of the forgotten rain outside. He blinked, vision slowly clearing to reveal a dimly lit room, the air thick with dust motes dancing in a single shaft of weak light that speared through a grimy window. The metallic tang of fear hung heavy in the air, a sickening counterpart to the musty scent of neglect.

His wrists were bound to a rickety wooden chair, the ropes biting into his skin like hungry vipers. Every desperate thrash against his restraints sent fresh waves of agony rippling through his forearms, painting them with angry red welts. 

Panic surged through him, a wild beast clawing at his throat. A harsh laugh echoed in the room, a sound devoid of humor, sending shivers down his spine. Footsteps approached, slow and deliberate, the sound heavy with unspoken menace.

"How was it, Jonathan? Did you sleep well enough?" David materialized across from him, a cruel smile plastered on his face. The sight of his tormentor ignited a fresh wave of fury within Jonathan. David's features, once vaguely familiar, now twisted into a grotesque caricature, the face of a predator savoring its trapped prey.

Jonathan gritted his teeth, the anger a dull ache overshadowed by the pounding in his head. "Let me go," he growled, the words scraping raw from his throat, a testament to the dryness that choked him.

David merely chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "If only you'd behaved yourself from the start," he drawled, his voice dripping with false sympathy, "maybe your fate wouldn't have turned out this way."

Jonathan's gaze darted around the room, searching for any sign of Gavin. The empty chair beside him sent a jolt of icy dread through him. "Where's Gavin?" he demanded, his voice rising in a mixture of fear and anger.

David's smile widened, a predator savoring his prey's fear. "No need to worry about your friend, Jonathan. He's... safe. After all, what I need is you." His words were laced with a chilling possessiveness that sent a fresh wave of unease crawling down Jonathan's spine.

With a flourish, David produced a file, the worn leather cover stark against his pristine white gloves. He flipped it open, revealing page after yellowed page of handwritten notes. A cold dread settled in Jonathan's stomach as he recognized the spidery script – his father's project journal. It was a tangible connection to a past he barely remembered, a past that now held the key to his future.

David flipped to a specific page, thrusting it towards Jonathan. "Take a look," he purred, his voice a sickeningly sweet rasp.

The single line scrawled across the page blurred through Jonathan's vision: 'In order to avoid any unfortunate circumstances, I have buried the pure material in a place where no one will know about it.'

Confusion warred with a flicker of hope. "What does this have to do with me?" he rasped. "Didn't you know my father died when I was a newborn?"

David's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before the chilling intensity returned. "This document, Henry," he tapped the page with a manicured finger, "states that he left you at the orphanage. And when I confirmed this with your mother of orphanage..." His voice trailed off, a glint of sadistic amusement flickering in his eyes.

The world tilted on its axis. Jonathan surged forward, the chair scraping against the floor as he strained against the ropes. Fury, raw and primal, coursed through him. "What did you do to her?" he roared, a primal fear clawing at his throat.

David's smile stretched wider, a chilling parody of amusement. "Oh, nothing yet," he purred, leaning forward, his voice dropping to a low growl. "But if you want them... or her... to be okay, make a deal with me. You will come with me willingly, and in return, your precious friends will be safe. Especially your girlfriend."



Meanwhile, back at the hidden base, panic erupted. Gavin stumbled through the entrance, his face a mask of terror. Maya, her eyes wide with alarm, rushed to his side, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Gavin!" Emily's voice cracked with fear. "What happened? Where's Jonathan?"

Gavin broke the embrace, his gaze filled with guilt and regret. "Jonathan..." he choked out, his voice barely a whisper. "David..."

Emily's breath hitched. "No," she whispered, the single word a choked sob. Despair washed over her, a cold dread that seeped into her bones. Images of Jonathan, injured and alone, flooded her mind.



Back in the dimly lit room, silence stretched between Jonathan and David, punctuated only by the soft patter of rain against the window. A single sentence echoed in Jonathan's mind, a line scrawled on a crumpled piece of paper beneath his bed – 'The answer lies not in the past, but in the beginning...'

His gaze darted around the room, landing on the single window with its relentless rain. A memory flickered – his first meeting with Emily, their shared dreams of a cozy cafe bookstore, the warmth of her hand in his. 

The feeling of belonging he'd never known before washed over him, a stark contrast to the cold fear gnawing at his insides. He yearned for a life filled with laughter, shared dreams, and the quiet comfort of family – a family he could build with Emily, a future he desperately wanted to hold onto. He couldn't lose that. He wouldn't.

He had to make a choice, a choice that felt like a betrayal of everything he believed in. But the alternative – the thought of Emily and his friends facing David's cruelty – was an even more terrifying prospect. With a deep breath, Jonathan met David's gaze, a steely resolve hardening his voice.

"Okay," he said, the word heavy with resignation, "I agree."

David's smile widened into a triumphant grin, the predator finally having his prey. "Excellent," he said, clapping his hands together. "We have much to discuss."

The sound of the approaching storm seemed to mock Jonathan's decision. He knew this was a gamble, a desperate attempt to protect those he cared about. But as David led him out of the dimly lit room, a flicker of hope, faint but persistent, ignited within him. He had a plan, a risky one fueled by the cryptic message and the memory of Emily's smile. He would find a way out of this, a way to save them all.



Meanwhile, back at the hidden base, panic had given way to a grim determination. Gavin, shaken but resolute, recounted the events to Maya and Emily. The weight of Jonathan's capture hung heavy in the air, a suffocating silence broken only by the occasional sob from Emily.

"We have to do something," Maya finally declared, her voice firm despite the tremor in her hands. "We can't just sit here and wait."

Emily, wiping away a tear, straightened her shoulders. "She's right. We need to find Jonathan. We need to find a way to help him."

A spark of defiance ignited in their eyes, a shared determination to fight back. Despite the fear and uncertainty, they wouldn't give up. They would find Jonathan, and together, they would face whatever challenges awaited them.




Cheers to the next chapter in Jonathan and Emily's story! Join us as their friendship blossoms into love, dreams unfold, and every page reveals a new twist. See you in the next chapter! 📖✨

Best regards,

Gabriella Seraphina. P 🌸

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