CH 18. Whispers of Tomorrow: Fingers Intertwined in Dreams

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"As their fingers intertwined, the constellations overhead whispered secrets of journeys yet to unfold."   Paulo Coelho



The next morning, Emily, freshly made up, hurried out the door, already running late. She and Jonathan had planned to head to campus together since their classes started at the same time, even if in different buildings.

Spotting Jonathan waiting outside, she flashed him a warm smile. "Morning, Jonathan! Thanks for hanging tight."

Jonathan, acting on impulse, surprised her with a warm hug. Slightly startled at first, Emily quickly returned the embrace, a touch of joy flickering in her eyes. She interpreted it as a genuine expression of his affection, and it warmed her.

Pulling back, Jonathan reached for her hand, their fingers intertwining naturally. "Ready to face the day?" he asked, taking the lead as they set off.

Emily smiled sweetly, nodding in agreement. Their shared journey unfolded beneath a bright morning sun, mirroring the warmth and anticipation bubbling within her.

The final class bell echoed, and Jonathan and Emily bolted from their classrooms, a shared mission rekindled – refining the proposal for the foundation. Eager to seize the day, they found Danu and scouted for a quiet corner conducive to focused discussion.

Emily, ever organized, whipped out her notebook and flipped to her meticulously kept notes on the proposal's key components. "Let's knock this out," she announced, a glint of determination in her eyes. "Introductions first, then we tackle our vision and mission."

Danu stroked his chin thoughtfully. "For the vision," he began, "what if we call it a haven for bookworms and creative minds? A place to explore their imaginations through storytelling." He paused, seeking their input.

"Solid idea," Jonathan interjected, his brow furrowed in concentration, "but maybe a bit generic. We need an edge, something that makes us unique."

Danu and Emily exchanged a silent nod, the wheels turning in their heads. The quest for a stand-out factor intensified, the silence thick with anticipation. Then, with a dramatic clap that startled the others, Emily declared, "Eureka!"

Scooting closer, she shared her newfound inspiration. "How about this: a haven for both literature and art enthusiasts, where they can immerse themselves in written works while channeling their artistic aspirations through a fusion of art and literacy!" Her eyes glittered with excitement.

Danu's eyes lit up. "That's fantastic!" he exclaimed. Jonathan nodded vigorously.

"Excellent," Emily declared, grabbing her pen. "Let's get it down."

Their discussion flowed seamlessly into the next chapter, meticulously crafting the mission and concept. Each sentence was carefully crafted to captivate the foundation and secure enthusiastic funding. Three cups of their favorite coffee fueled their brainstorming session, creating a comforting backdrop to their collaborative effort.

The weight of their ambitions settled in – grand dreams demanded relentless effort, tireless work, and a hefty dose of responsibility. Hours flew by unnoticed, the Jakarta sky morphing into a tapestry of twilight colors. Fatigue tugged at them, but a shared resolve flickered in their eyes. This pursuit held undeniable promise.

Emerging from their intense brainstorming session, Emily and Jonathan unexpectedly bumped into a street performer. A young boy, barely fourteen, his fingers danced skillfully across the guitar strings, weaving a melody from Taufik Ismail's poem "Panggung Sandiwara" (The Theater of Life).

Mesmerized by the raw talent pouring from the music, Jonathan stopped in his tracks. The final notes faded, leaving a lingering enchantment. Curiosity sparkling in his eyes, Jonathan approached the young busker. Emily, equally captivated, trailed close behind.

"Hi, your voice and guitar playing are fantastic!" Jonathan praised brightly, extending his hand. "May I know your name? I'm Jonathan," he continued with a friendly smile.

A hint of shyness flitted across the boy's face as he paused for a moment. Still, he returned Jonathan's handshake. "My name is Abigail," he replied softly.

Jonathan, unfazed, pressed on with a friendly proposal. "Listen, Abigail, we're working on a cool project – a book cafe that blends literature with live music. Would you be interested in joining us?"

Abigail furrowed his brow, pondering the offer. "A book cafe? What's that exactly?" he inquired, genuine curiosity replacing his initial shyness.

A smile tugged at Jonathan and Emily's lips at his innocent question. Before diving into an explanation, they invited him to find a seat for a more comfortable chat.

"Do you know what a café is?" asked Jonathan, slowly, to which Abigail nodded and added, "A place for people to hang out with their friends."

"That's right. Then there are many kinds of books: storybooks, comics, textbooks, history books, etc. Do you like reading books?" Jonathan replied.

Abigail shook his head. "I've never read any books, so I don't know if I like them or hate them," he replied innocently.

"Do you want to try reading a book?" Jonathan asked with an enthusiastic twinkle in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, Abigail inquired, "What books do you have?" The young boy hugged his guitar tightly.

Smiling, Jonathan extended an invitation to Abigail to meet again the next day at the same place and time. A twinkle of enthusiasm and excitement gleamed in Abigail's eyes.

"Then, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye," Abigail exclaimed, waving his right hand enthusiastically as he bid farewell to the two of them.

Their smiles mirrored the warmth they felt as they waved back at Abigail. As he walked away, Emily couldn't contain her admiration. "You're incredible, Jonathan," she declared, a genuine smile radiating from her face.

Jonathan chuckled, a touch of pink creeping onto his cheeks. "Just an idea, really," he mumbled, awkwardly scratching his head. "Seemed worth a shot, you know?"

Emily, her smile unwavering, nodded in understanding. They continued their walk, a comfortable silence settling between them. Jonathan gazed upwards, captivated by the breathtaking tapestry of stars decorating the night sky.

Their book cafe dream was slowly taking shape, filling them with a sense of accomplishment and an undercurrent of joy. This shared excitement prompted Jonathan to reach for Emily's hand, his fingers intertwining with hers in a familiar gesture. Emily, understanding his unspoken emotions, returned his smile, gently squeezing his hand in response.

This tender moment, a tangible expression of their shared happiness, set the stage for their promising journey ahead. A sense of unity and anticipation for what lay beyond washed over them both.




Cheers to the next chapter in Jonathan and Emily's story! Join us as their friendship blossoms into love, dreams unfold, and every page reveals a new twist. See you in the next chapter! 📖✨

Best regards,

Gabriella Seraphina. P 🌸

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