I think I like a girl

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Paige Bueckers

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Paige Bueckers

When me and Kaylee got to my car, she plugged in her phone to turn on music. She turned on "Foolish" by Ashanti. She looked over at me and smiled. She knew I loved R&B.

Kaylee looked really good tonight. Her long brown hair was done nicely and she had on more makeup than usual. Not that she needed it.

"You know you don't need all that makeup to be pretty right?" I told her. She looked at me and smiled confused. Then shook her head and rolled down her window looking away from me. I was still looking at her though.

"I'm serious Kay." She finally looked over at me. Still smiling. She was so cute when she smiled like that. I could see her blushing a little from what I said.

"Keep your eyes on the road Paige" She said giggling a little, ignoring my comment. I turned my head back to the road. She started bursting out to the song. Her hair being thrown around by the wind. This was just like the first time we hangout, on the first day we met. When she turned on "Out of My League"

"Why aren't you hanging out with the team tonight?" Kaylee asked, breaking the silence.

"Wow are you complaining that we are hanging out right now? Wowwww Kaylee." I said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean," she said hitting me a little, "I just feel like you know since it's the first game of the season that you should be with your team." She said.

"Well because you asked me to do something tonight. I couldn't just say no? I'm pretty sure a couple of the girls are getting together at one of their apartments but I would much rather be with you." I said. I wasn't lying either, I honestly wanted to spend time with Kaylee. Her face instantly lit up.

"Seriously?" She said, sounding so genuinely surprised. Why was she surprised?

"Yeah I'm serious. Who wouldn't wanna spend time with you? You're such an amazing girl." I said turning to look at her. She tucked her hair behind her ear. It looked like she was holding in a laugh.

"What????" I said to her, wondering why she looked like she was about to lose it.

"Sorry, it's just nobody has said something like that about me. You know, other than my family."

"Well then it sounds like I'm going to have to say it more, to make sure it sticks in you head and you never forget." I said nudging her a bit. She laughed that cute laugh of hers.

We pulled into Chik-fil-a parking lot and rolled up the windows.

"Alright, let's go, by the way food is on me tonight." I said to her.

"Really Paige? You don't have to?" She said looking up at me as we walked in.

"No really it's fine," It just felt like the right thing to do. Kaylee came to my game for me and stayed there the whole time watching. This was my way of saying thank you, "just don't order the whole menu?"

"Dang it Paige!" She said sarcastically. She walked over and ordered a chicken sandwhich and fries. Then I ordered right after her.

"And will that be for here or to-go?" The cashier said. I looked over to Kaylee, who looked at me too.

"I mean it's up to you." I said to her. She didn't know. And honestly I asked her cause I wasn't sure either where we should eat.

"To-go please." She said to the cashier. Hmm, interesting choice. I thought she was going to say for here. But it was like 10pm.

We sat down at a table waiting for our bag. I was scrolling through instagram and the game was all over the media. They were loving my highlights and making those silly edits of me. Some of them were low key fire though.

Kaylee saw that I was watching one when she looked over at my phone. She gasped.

"Paige Bueckers! You watch edits of yourself!" She said sounding suprised, but I knew she was just messing with me. She snatched my phone and watched it.

"Woahhhhhh scandalous!!" She said giggling at the edit and me.

"Kaylee shhh be quiet someone is gonna hear you. I can't be out here getting exposed for watching edits of myself!!!" I went along with the joke. She handed my phone back after a second.

"Hey after we get our food where do you wanna go?" She asked me. I hadn't really thought about it. Was I going to take her home? Were we just going to hangout in the car?

"Umm I don't know what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, but we haven't been together long, so don't take me home." She said to me.

"I guess we could go to my place. I don't think Azzi is there, she is probably with the team at one of the other girls places." I offered. It looked like Kaylee liked the idea.

"Yeah lets do that, that sounds fun." She said smiling. She always was smiling when she was with me.

We got our food finally and headed back to the car. On the way back we were eating our food and listening to music again. We were laughing, singing, and eating all at the same time. It was fun, I always had fun with Kaylee. She made everything better.

When we got to my apartment building Kaylee stepped out of the car. We finished out chick-fil-a. She was walking right in front of me. It was the perfect opportunity. I grabbed her by the legs and lifted her over my shoulder.

"PAIGE PUT ME DOWN!" She said while laughing so hard.

"Mmmmm," I said, "How about no!" I continued walking like it was nothing until we got to my door. She was hitting my back like a little kid. She was so light. I could carry her forever. She was still laughing like crazy.

I walked into the apartment and chucked her onto the couch. She was clutching her stomach she was laughing so hard.

"dont......do......that.....ever.....again." She said between her breaths. her hair was a mess over her face and she was blushing like crazy. I noticed she was still wearing her interview clothes. Those must have been uncomfortable.

"Hey do you want something else to wear? I can't imagine those clothes are comfortable." I told her.

"Yeah thanks that would be nice." She said softly. I grabbed a pair of my pajama pants and a UConn hoodie. I handed it over to her. She took the clothes and headed into the bathroom to change. I sat on the couch and turned on a movie for us to watch. I mean what else were we supposed to do?

She came back out wearing my clothes, which were too big on her. The pants went a good 5 inches over her heels and the hoodie went down to her mid thigh. She looked so cute.

"Looking cute," I said smirking. She just smiled embarrassingly. "Come sit next to me." I said patting the spot next to me. She came and sat down, closer than I thought, She layed her head on my shoulder and was right up next to me. I pulled a blanket over her.

She fell asleep after a couple minutes. I couldn't blame her. It was late and I was tired too. She looked so adorable when she was asleep. I couldn't help but admire her. She was seriously beautiful.

She had her head on my stomach now. We were basically cuddling. I felt so safe I didn't wanna fall asleep because I didn't want the moment to end. I was playing with her hair a little bit while she slept. I mean this was a thing that friends did? Right? Cuddle on the couch, wearing their clothes, play with their hair, and admire them while they sleep?

Or maybe I was starting to like her more than a friend.

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