Game Day

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Kaylee Shores

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Kaylee Shores

It was my first day at my new job. I was so excited yet so nervous. What if the viewers didn't liked me? I needed to make a first good impression. On my manger (Professor John) and on the team.

I pulled into the parking lot of the stadium 2 hours before the game started. I had to get pre-game interviews with the team. I met up with the camera crew inside. We were all ready to roll.

I looked pretty good. I mean I couldn't be looking a mess on live television. My hair was done and I was wearing a new outfit, well it was one of Destiny's. Destiny would be coming later, and I would sit with her during the game on the court side. She was so excited. We had never sat court side before, sometimes we have gone and sat in crappy seats, but nothing more than that. And that was a during freshman year. Destiny dragged me to come because a guy she was with at the time invited her.

I got onto the court where the team was already starting to warm up. I helped crew set up the camera and we did a test roll. I had some questions prepared for a few players. I was told though to mainly interview Paige, because the media loved her. I was also scheduled to talk to KK Arnolds.

I spotted Paige warming up and she waved to me. I couldn't stop thinking about dinner last night. She had told me that I had a cute laugh. I had never really been told that before. Mostly cause I didn't have much friends to laugh with. I also asked her to hangout after the game, which I hoped she was still up for.

I didn't know why I asked her, I just like had the urge to. I can't explain it. But she looked like she was down for it. I didn't really know what we were going to do. Probably just chill somewhere.

The camera was about to start rolling for pre-game. I had some people touch up my hair and makeup quick. Alright. It was time.

"Good evening Connecticut welcome to the first game of the season! It's Kaylee Shores here and we will begin pre-game after this short break." I said smiling into the microphone.

The crew clapped for me and patted me on the back knowing it was my first time.

"Great job Kaylee, you did great." Jenna said to me. She was the director of camera crew and I loved her. She was like one of those chill adults that felt like a second mom to you. Which was nice for me.

I wish my parents could've been here tonight. Seeing me live my dreams out. My mom woud've been cheering me on the whole time. I know I didn't know my dad, but he is still my dad in the end. I wonder if my dad was just watching?

After a couple minutes we were about to roll again. I walked up to Paige and smiled.

"Hey Paige, excited for your first interview with me?" I said nudging her a little.

"You know it Kay. You've got this, you're gonna do great." She said assuringly. I smiled. She always made me feel better.

"Alright rolling in 5,4,3,2, and action!" Jenna announced.

"It's Kaylee Shores here for pre-game with Paige Bueckers, star basketball player. Paige it's the first game of the season, how are you feeling?" I asked her handing her the microphone. I was trying not to laugh. This time it wasn't a fork.

"I'm feeling great. It's been a great off season with the team. We've been training hard and staying in shape. We've got some amazing new talent this year that I think will greatly benefit the team. I'm pumped for tonight and I'm confident in the team this year. We've improved a lot from last season definitely.  I think it's going to be a great season." She said looking back at me. I could tell she was holding back a laugh too.

After a couple more questions Paige headed back to warm up. Now it was time to talk to KK Arnolds. A freshman on the team from Germantown, WI. I had never talked to her. I met her at the dinner last night and she seemed cool.

I walked up to her and introduced myself. The interview went well just some standard questions. After a while it was game time. Destiny had arrived and we took our seats.

The game started and UConn got a 12 point lead against Marquette going into the second quarter. Paige had 2 three's. She was doing great. She was amazing at basketball. I mean I knew she was good, but I had never seen her play. She was loved by the internet, and I could see why.

At halftime they were down by 3. The team was still going great but Marquette had amazing defense. Well, that's what Destiny told me, I didn't know a lot about basketball. The team came out of halftime more hyped than ever. I could tell they were, as Paige would say, "locking in"

There was 10 seconds left in the game and UConn was down by 2. If they didn't get a bucket they were going to lose. Paige stole the ball from the oposite team and scored a buzzer beater 3. It was awesome. The crowd went wild. Right as she scored she looked over at me and smiled.

The first person she looked at after winning was me.

After the game I asked her a couple questions while on air. It went really well. The views were going up. They really loved me, or Paige.

After the stadium emptied out, Paige was shooting around on the court alone. Destiny had left to hangout with some other friends at a party. I was helping camera crew pack up on the court when Paige came over to me.

"Hey Kay, you still down to hang?" She said I turned around looking up at her. She had changed out of her uniform into grey sweats and a black hoodie.

"Yeah I'm down. What do you want to do?" I said smiling because she remembered.

"I don't know, but I'm starved. Do you wanna get food or something?" She said. I was always down for food.

"Yeah how could I say no? Ohhhh how about chick-fil-a? I could so go for a 8 count right now?" I said back. Her face instantly lit up.

"Chick-fil-a? It's like you read my mind. Let's go." I grabbed my stuff and we walked out together. Heading to her car. I guess I would just have to come get my car in the morning.

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