Ch:4- Hangover

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I woke up with a splitting headache in a room I didn't recognize.

In clothes I most certainly didn't wear.

Panic flares in me instantly. I look around the room frantically till my eyes fall on the framed photos on the wall.


As if on cue, the door swings open and Kaiser stands there, "You're awake,"

"Yes," I nod, since my panic died down, my hangover hits me full force. I groan and press my temples.

"What did I do yesterday?" I mumble.

Kaiser places the glass of water and Tylenol on the bedside table, "You got drunk."

"I know that." I deadpan.

Kaiser rolls his eyes, "And then you went on the dancefloor, slut dropped, ended up getting surrounded, and then I dragged you out to the balcony where you were giggling about the wind." He rattles off monotonously, "And my arms," he adds.

Mortification rushes in like water in an open dam. I open my mouth to gape at him, "Please tell me it ends there,"

His lips press together, "You were a bit eager to change your clothes, nothing much," he shrugs after a moment.

I down the pill and water like it was my lifeline. Some hazy memories and snippets of last night linger, I think I knew what Kaiser was talking about.

"Astrella, here, I'll help you change into this," Kaiser offers me a t-shirt that probably passes as a dress for me and some shorts.

"Hey, if you want my dress off you could just ask," I grin at him, pulling my dress up from the hems, immediately.

Kaiser is swift to pull it down, "No, not- don't," he shakes his head, slipping the shirt over my head.

I frown, "Turn around," he orders, and I do, albeit confused.

He reaches under my shirt, and pulls the zipper of my dress down, allowing it to fall. He helps me step out of the material that pools at my ankles.

He then passes me a bottle of water, ushering me into bed, "But I'm not sleepy." I protest.

"Sleep, Astrella, or you'll regret it in the morning," Kaiser says softly.

"Sleep with me," I negotiate, shuffling to one side of the bed.

Kaiser stares at me, "Like sleeping." I clarify, giving him a disgusted look, "I wasn't-" he started, cheeks pinking.

"The resting state of mind where the body is unconscious, the state of being asleep, a normal, reversible, recurring state of reduced responsiveness to external stimulation accompanied by complex and predictable changes in physiology." I rattle off.

"I know what sleeping is, Astrella." Kaiser chuckles.

"Your mind was in the gutter," I wave a finger at him.

"I told you I wasn't thinking of anything!" he protests.

"You were hesitating! That means you were thinking of something!" I huff, crossing my arms in front of my chest like a child.

Kaiser shakes his head and sighs, "There's no winning with you."

After another moment's hesitation, the mattress dips with his weight, I beam at him before I push my body against his and fall asleep before I realize.

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