Chapter Five

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"Alright dear so just leave this ice pack on for about 10 minutes, after that put this ointment on the bruise and wrap it with this elastic bandage. It's supposed to help reduce swelling and whatnot." Maggie tells me.

I look at her with a grateful smile, applying the ice pack to my arm, "Thank you Mrs. O'Connell. I really do appreciate you doing this for me. I owe you one."

She waves me off, "Don't worry about that. I'm just doing what I can to help."

"Yes, I know but I just feel like I should give something in return or do something for you at least."

"Dakota." She started, "I promise you, you do not have to do anything in return. I'm okay." She laughs.

"But like... you gotta let me do someeething. C'mon." I say, still insisting that I do something for her.

She chuckles, "Wow. You are very persistent."

I shrug with a smile on my face, "Ayy! That's one of my best traits!"

They all either laugh or smile at that.

"Well, I tell you what. If something comes to mind I'll let you know. Okay?" Maggie tells me.

"Okay, I'm cool with that." I tell her, with a small smile on my face.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Maggie yells, walking to the door.

Someone enters, "The stage and equipment is ready, fifteen minutes 'til stage time."

"Alright, thank you!"

"No problem!"

They then leave the room closing the door behind them, leaving us in a somewhat awkward silence which is then filled in by Billie who surprisingly didn't speak much this whole time considering how talkative she can be.

She shifts on the couch to face me more, folding her right leg over the couch while the other is on the ground and her head is resting on her arm that's on the back of the couch while her other arm is in her lap.

(AN - I hope that's imaginable😭 I damn near had an aneurysm tryna describe that.)

"So... what kinda stuff are you into?" She asks me.

"Uhh I'm into a lot of things honestly. I like making beats, I do a little bit of drawing and some painting here and there, uh let's see what else... oh yeah I got a fashion line too! Y'all should check it out for real. I got some fire stuff." I tell them.

"Can we see some stuff?" Finneas asks.

I nod my head while taking the ice pack off to get my phone out of my pocket, "Hell yeah!"

I go to my Instagram and show them the pictures of my clothes.

"I been thinking bout making some crewneck sweaters too and some undergarments like you know bras, underwear, socks, whatever else. I don't know why I didn't do that first honestly." I tell them while scrolling through the pics.

I get hums of approval from each of them when Billie stops me.

"Wait, stop. Go back up." She demands.

I do as told, "Right here?"

She nods, "Yeah. That shirt is fucking fireee! I gotta have it bro!"

I laugh, "Aye I could hook you up whenever. I could hook the whole family up really?"

As a matter of fact this is what I'm gonna do for Maggie. She finna be drippy for real.

"For real? Or you just fucking around?" Billie asks.

"For real! I'm finna have y'all dripped down! Just let me know and we can meet up somewhere and I give it to y'all then or like I'll have it shipped over. Whatever is more convenient." I tell her.

Why am I acting like we've been friends for years? Meet up somewhere? Nigga, she don't know you like that, the fuck.

"Alright bet. I'm gonna follow and message you when I find the time." She says.

Wait. Hollup. Rewind. A follow AND she's gonna message me? I'm literally winning at life right now.

I go to say something, but I'm interrupted by Finneas speaking to Billie.

"Hey Bils we gotta go now. We've got five minutes left." He tells her, standing up.

She looks at the time on her phone and her eyes widen, "Oh shit- ok."

She stands up making sure she has everything before turning to me.

"Hey, so I know you came here for the concert. If you'd like you can go with Claudia to the side of the stage and watch it from there?"

My eyes widen, looking at Claudia for reassurance. "Are you sure? I me-"

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine I swear." Claudia tells me.

I gotta be dreaming cuh, 'cause ain't no way! I am one lucky mf right now.

"Billie come on." Finneas urges her.

"Ok sorry. You fuckin' dork." She says, muttering the last part to herself.

"I heard that." Finneas says, opening the door for her letting her walk out first.


And then the door closes behind them.

Me and Claudia look at each other causing us to laugh loudly.

"They always like that?" I ask.

She nods, "Oh yeah. All the time. We should probably get going now. Well- after you finish taking care of your arm."

"Oh- you right. Imma hurry though, I'm not trying to miss anything." I tell Claudia.


We're about 30 minutes into the concert and I damn near had 50 panic attacks because of this fine ass woman on the stage. And not only that- she's been teasing me or some shit the entire time.

She'll look back at me every now and then with a smirk on her face. She even looked me up and down while biting her lips at some point.

After the little dance she does for Therefore I Am she was looking at me smiling hella hard. And during Oxytocin it's like she was singing to me or some shit. She literally looked dead in my eyes while singing 'I could see it clear as day, you don't really need a break, wanna see what you can take..." and so on.

Now... I don't wanna get too ahead of myself, but Ms. Ma'am look like she want me. I could be going too far, but... Ms. Ma'am looks like she wants me.

"I'm not tripping right?" I ask Claudia.


"Like am I tripping or is Billie checking me out?" I ask again, keeping my eyes on the girl on the stage.

That's when I see her subtly look over again.

"Oh no, she's definitely checking you out. She was doing it in the greenroom too actually." She replies.

"Wait- what?"

"Mhm. That's why she was so quiet. She was too busy staring at you." She chuckles.

Well I'll be damned. My self-confidence and ego just went up 100.

"Well shit..."


I was a little lazy with this chapter, I couldn't figure out what to write😭

And did y'all see her RollingStone interview? That shit was wild😭💀

Her Obsession (Billie Eilish x G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now