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Alec's pov

We were watching some movie I randomly picked but it was a family movie.

We were halfway through when I felt alexis's head on my shoulder, I slowly peaked through the corner of my eyes and saw her closing her eyes.

I'm sure she is tired. I didn't want to force her to be with me but it's just that I wanted to spend time with her so much that I didn't notice how tired she was.

Not to mention what happened earlier at school today, it was a rough first day. I'm just glad alexis's dosent understand Italian.

I sat still until the movie ended. Enzo got up and stretched his hand, waiting for me to stand up too.

But I didn't want to wake alexis up. Enzo saw how stiffened I was and softly chuckled.

He got closer to alexis and slightly nudged her head so that it rested on his palm. He gently pushed it back to the chair so that she was now leaning against the seat instead of my shoulder.

"How did you do that?" I whsipered as I stood up,

"Skills" he smirked.

"We can't leave her here" I rolled my eyes and sat back down,

"Why not?" Enzo scoffed.

"She's my little sister and I love her more than life. What if something happened to her?" I replied,

"She seems quite uncomfortable sleeping on this chair, why don't you pick her up and take her to her room?" Enzo whispered, walking away from her.

I sighed and realised he was right.

I gently picked her up into bridal style so that she didn't wake up and walked to her room.

I gently placed her onto her bed and turned to Enzo who was covering her with her comforter.

I could hear her softly grunt and move around in her sleep. I wonder what she's dreaming about.

We both checked the windows before leaving her alone and walked downstairs.

Matt was running around the house just like he was at the hallways of school,

"What's wrong with him?" Enzo asked to which I simply shrugged.

"Anyways, how was school? Did she run out of her classroom?" Enzo chuckled,

"Not funny." I rolled my eyes as we both sat on the couch near the fireplace.

"Although, at the end of school. We didn't realise the bell rang and matt was beating this guy up. You know, Jessi?" I started and Enzo nodded,

"Well, jade's brother, kio brought alexis over" I said, "although Alexis acted like he wasn't beating anyone up but I'm sure she was affected by it" I sighed softly as I turned to Enzo,

"Maybe she just dosent care?" He shrugged,

I stayed silent.

Matt walked towards us, "did you tell him how you brought the new champion?" He spoke to Enzo,

"New champion?" I exclaimed,

"Well, yesterday I was at that event with my friend and she was intrested in fighting so she gave it a go. She killed Lucas" Enzo spoke nonchalantly,

"Lucas?" I looked at him, confused and worried.

"She still alive?" I added, Harry and Lucas were very good friends.

"Yep" matt spoke up, chuckling softly.

For some reason, Enzo looked hurt. I don't know why. It was as if he was thinking about something. Probably memories?

"Oh by the way, dad said that he can arrange for a doctor for her" matt spoke,

He shook his head, "she dosent like doctors" he mumbled,

"What kinda person dosent like doctors?" Matt scoffed,

"Hey, don't say that" I sighed, "Alexis dosent like doctors either. Some people just don't like some stuff. Get used to it" I looked at matt, he looked a bit guilty before he left.

"Anyways, who's the girl?" I turned to Enzo,

"My friend's daughter" Enzo smiled warmly to which I nodded.

We sat beside eachother for a while, scrolling through our own phones until we heard a sudden sound from upstairs. Something shattering and breaking.

We both looked at eachother and rushed upstairs as the only person on the floor above was alexis.

As we barged into her room, we saw her leaning on her table as she stood on her side, her side profile covered with her hair.

I looked below to see the glass vase broken on the floor and flowers fallen on the ground.

Before I could rush to her, Enzo did.

I followed him as we saw alexis bending down to pick the flowers up,

"Alexis" I spoke quickly, trying to stop her but she only flinched.

"I-im sorry" she was breathing heavily as she turned to face us.

I took her hands and gently guided her back to her bed and pulled her feet up, Enzo picked up the shattered pieces of the glass and I picked up the flowers on the table.

"Im- I'm sorry, I was just- I didn't see and I'm sorry" she spoke, her voice breaking.

I looked at her and walked towards her, I wrapped my arms around her, at first she flinched but then hugged me back.

Enzo watched us from behind as he called for a maid to clean the rest of the mess.

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