Chp. 9⟩Ziliarus

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The thing flowed out of the trees, like a tsunami coming in. The shadows formed a creature which towered above them all. A pure black mass with two glowing eyes. It stayed shorter than the trees, but big enough to swallow a person whole.

The girls quivered in fear, all of them unsure of what to do. The darkness made it harder to see the exact shape of the thing, but they made out two deformed horns and wings.

Light didn't know what to do either. But she knew exactly what this was. This was the very creature who had left half of heaven in a shattered state. This was the creature that they had sent the gems to Earth for. Her first instinct was to stand directly in front of everyone. Vienna was panicking. This looked exactly like the dream she had had just the night before.

It was even colder now, but the wind blew gently. Astri, the valiant person she was, immediately cast a light spell and put an orb around everyone, just before this thing could strike. It slammed hard on the orb, making a few cracks appear and causing Astri to wince a little. Then, it spoke.

"T seemeth the angels has't hath sent their kin h're as well.", It said in a low whisper, barely audible. "Has't they not realis'd what hath happened the lasteth times?", it said banging on the glass once again, this time widening the cracks even more. Astri struggled to keep the shield around them as it started banging on the glass.

"W-what? Leave us along you-you thing!", Gale mustered out. "I do not know why you're here, but leave us be." ,Light yelled at it, pointing at it. The laughed menacingly and slumped onto the ground. It rebuild itself just behind it. "Thee knoweth what I needeth. T wast because of thee I hath found it." It's voice grew and it raised itself one last time to bang on the sphere, shattering it.

"Astri try to fix it!", Kesha yelled, grabbing her hand. "No time for that, get back!", Light yelled at them. Kesha, Astri and Vienna stepped back, Rose hid behind a bush and Gale stood by Light.

The creature flung it's tentacles forward towards Light. She tried dogding it but it grabbed her leg and threw her into a tree. It tried hitting Gale next, but she put her mask on and escaped it. Light  got up and told the others, "I need your help.", she said, reaching out a hand to Vienna. "We don't even know what they do Light!", Vienna said. Just then a huge tentacle shot towards them both. Light got in front of Vienna just in time for her to block it with a red laser.

"Everyone, run!", Vienna yelled, grabbing Astri and Kesha. Before they could sprint off Astri stopped Vienna. "Light, what do we do?", she asked her tone becoming very serious. "You seem to know what this, how do we stop it?", she said, keeping a hand on her shoulder. Light thought, "If heaven..." After a while she replied, "We stop him with these." Light declared confidently, pointing at the gems. "First, let's get this thing in one place!" She said, and ran forward to help Gale. The girls all nodded and went in to help as well.

Rose grew some sharp vines along the path where the creature was slithering, making it screech loudly. The gem powered up giving Astri a boost to laser that creature right in the face. Kesha and Vienna couldn't use gem magic just yet, however, they could beat the creature from the ground. Gale distracted the thing while Light ran ahead and used her magic to seal it in place. The thing stood there, dazed, "Thy charm shall not defeat me again!", it roared.

"Okay, follow my lead!", Light said. Everyone stood beside Light in a semi-circle formation. The gem on her forehead glowed brightly, and slowly so did the rest. This time, even brighter than before. They formed white  auras round them and raised them about 3 feet from the ground. Coloured streaks corresponding to their gems appeared in everyone's hair. The light from the gems weaved into a massive,rainbow beam and shot at the creature. It screamed in anguish and disappeared into the shadows. "We shall meeteth again."

Everyone slowly lowered to the ground. They looked around in awe. Even Light was amazed. "What-what was that?", Vienna asked getting up. She helped up her sister. "These things, that creature..Oh my god, I must be dreaming." Rose touched her face. "I hope that was a dream.", Gale said, still not fully standing. "I don't think it was a dream.", Astri said pointing at the small scratches on her hand. "Let's raise the sun.", Light said looking at Astri. She waved her hand across the sky and put the sun back where it belonged. In the light, they could see a black spot where the creature had evaporated.

Vienna grabbed Light by the shoulders. "How did you know what to do? What are these gems? How did you know Astri could control the sun and moon? Where did you come from? What did it mean when it said the angels sent their friends down here?????", she questioned, shaking her violently. She stopped after a while, leaving silence between everyone."Uhm..Well... Something similar happened to me where I actually came from and uhh..these gems cam here and I came to", she explained. "What is that Monster?", asked Gale. "It's something I don't know.",Light replied.

No one knew what to say. Everyone just sat there for a while, trying to process what had happened. "I suppose we should go home.", Astri said. "Light, Gale do you wanna come with us?", Vienna asked. Kesha gave her a look. "Kim sure no one would mind, we have like infine empty rooms." She garbbed Light and pulled along. Gale came with them too.

Astri came closer to Kesha. "Kesha, whatever these gems are, they are powerful. We need more help with them." , she whispered. "I'm sure Light can give us everything we want.", Kesha shrugged. "Didn't you see how she replied. I think your sister's trusting them too quickly; I mean we barely met!", she said crossing her arms. "Astri, after that, why would you wanna look into this more? I want to get rid of them.", Kesha replied, slightly angry. "I'm sorry, I'm just curious." "Well do whatever you want. Just don't get hurt or anything like that...", Kesha said, moving forward.

They reached the castle in a short while. Kesha asked two helpers to assist Light and Gale to their own separate rooms. Astri went off to her spire. Vienna and Kesha also headed of to thier rooms. As soon as shd got in, she hit the bed, falling asleep.

She woke up a few hours later, still feeling pretty drained. She walked out for a breath of fresh air.

As Light got adjusted to her room she plopped down onto the bed. The room she was given has pretty nice;had a lot of grey and white. She felt the gem in her Halo vibrating. She got up to look in the mirror. The gem shot a beam of light on the floor and Cealum appeared from.

"Ce-Cealum how are you-", she was cut off. "I sensed the magic of the gems. What happened?", Cealum asked concerned. Light explained everything to her, even showing some of the scratches she got from being flung into a tree. The golden blood of an  angel flowed out of it. "You should be more careful." Cealum said, extending a hand to heal the wounds. "I hope no one found out." Light nodded a no. "You take care of yourself.", Cealum said and kissed Light on the forehead and vashined.

||★•° Okay so maybe the last 2 chapters haven't made much sense. I was in kind of a rush, hope they're still enjoyable°•★||

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