Chapter 6

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The pounding headache, dry mouth, and aching body were a given. Kazzi groaned, immediately regretting every life decision that landed her in this predicament. Her head was quite literally pulsing, making her fight back a whimper as she shifted. The surface was soft beneath her, and she mentally applauded herself for being able to make it back to bed despite not remembering the events that occurred after dancing with Paige.

She danced with Paige Bueckers. Baffling, even to her hungover mind.

Kazzi slowly opened her eyes, wincing at the stab of pain straight through her skull at the aggressive onslaught of light. Her whining was abruptly halted, though, as she squinted at the unfamiliar curtains. This was not her room. The thought made her shoot up from the bed, ignoring the way her body protested. The sheet pooled at her waist, and dread settled deep into her stomach as she spotted the Huskies jumper thrown haphazardly over a chair.

"You awake?"

Kazzi almost jumped out of her skin, a strangled sound escaping her throat she turned to look at Paige leaning on the doorway. Words failed her, mouth opening and closing multiple times before she just gave up and stared.

Paige raised a brow, stepping into the room, "Well, you look like shit. Go shower."

Kazzi didn't have the energy to insult her back, finally managing to find her voice, "Did we..." She trailed off, not understanding whether the swirl of emotions currently making her lightheaded were positive or negative.

Paige blinked, cocking her head as she let out a puff of laughter. "You're still clothed."

A quick look down confirmed that, in fact, she was still dressed in the outfit from the night before.

"But I mean, if you want it so bad..."

Kazzi flushed (angrily, of course), and glowered, "I don't!"

"Sure," Paige hummed, "Anyway, you passed out on me while we were dancing. I didn't know where you lived and no one came to pick you up so..."

Kazzi couldn't bear to see the amused twinkle in the blonde's eye, and looked away in favor of throwing the covers off and attempting to stand with her killer headache. She braced herself against the nearest surface, joints popping as she righted herself.

"Thanks, I guess. Oh fucking hell, I'm never drinking again."

A light laugh floated across the room, Paige's bright voice remarking, "Now we both know that's not true. Go shower, Advil is on the counter and Azzi's making breakfast."

Kazzi almost tripped at her words, wondering if she's starting to hear things after living on this Earth for a grand total of 22 years. Kazzi's bewilderment was lost on Paige, who had started making her way out of the room.

"How is she not hungover?" Kazzi muttered under her breath, distinctly remembering Paige smelling of alcohol while they danced.

"I don't get hangovers." Paige's voice replied from the hallway, and Kazzi's face contorted into a scowl.

Kazzi wasted no time in grabbing her phone and shooting two colorfully worded texts to her "friends". 

mrs.bueckers @ktalks.azz

ew shes perfect

"This slaps." Kazzi said in full honesty, eyes sincere as she gazed unblinkingly at Azzi. "How'd you get the eggs so perfect? That's gotta be sorcery."

The latter laughed, leaning in and gesturing for Kazzi to come closer. Kazzi obliged, leaning over as Azzi whispered, "The secret be me."

Kazzi pulled back, face bright as she clapped. "Wonderful. I'll keep that in mind."

Azzi giggled, pointing at Kazzi as she turned to an unamused Paige, "Where'd you find her? I like her."

"My health science class."

"Good job."

Paige shot her a flat look, and Azzi fully ignored her to smile at the way Kazzi dug into her breakfast with unparalleled enthusiasm.

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