Chapter 5

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Kazzi wasn't a dancer, but alcohol sure made her one.

Her hips swayed, inhibitions lost as she let the music drown out her thoughts. Her head was empty, body moving with the sweaty crowd, mouthing lyrics she didn't even know. She got elbowed multiple times, and once started shouting lyrics with a random girl she didn't recognise. It was fair to say she was completely gone.

Her body was overheated, currently having her arms around the neck of a stranger. He had his hands on her waist, and she ignored the sick feeling in her stomach from the way he gazed at her. She closed her eyes, trying to imagine herself in a different situation, dancing with a different person.

The male lowered his head, mouth brushing Kazzi's ears. She barely held back from flinching.

"Wanna get out of here?"

Kazzi's arms twitched, sliding down the male's neck and onto his shoulders. Her brain was fuzzy, blinking blearily as she slurred, "Nah, wanna keep dancing."

"C'mon love, I can show you a good time."

Kazzi internally gagged, scowling as she started pushing herself off of him. His grip tightened on her waist. "No, I wanna dance. Let go of me."

"Don't be difficult."

Kazzi started panicking, hands bracing against his shoulders as she tried to wiggle away from him. He didn't lighten his hold, and Kazzi nearly clocked him in the face. "Fucking let go of me!"


A new pair of hands slid around her waist, fingertips cold as they brushed her hips. Kazzi gasped, feeling a body press against her back. She almost elbowed the person behind her, fight or flight response kicking in. However, she froze when she heard a low voice, threatening and directed at the male who was staring with wide eyes.

"She said no. Let go."

Kazzi shivered, almost melting into the figure behind her. A wave of relief made her knees buckle, and her drunk brain chanted safe safe safe safe. The male reluctantly released her, clicking his tongue as a new pair of arms replaced his previous position. He slipped away with a glare, and Kazzi's heart stuttered when she was left alone with the occupant of her wet dreams.

"Took you for a more cautious person, Kaz."

Kazzi almost groaned at the spike of heat in her gut, head tipping back onto the taller's shoulders. "Never took you for a knight in shining armor, Bueckers."

"I like to surprise."

"So do I."

She chuckled, the sound achingly familiar, simultaneously clearing Kazzi's head for a brief moment. Kazzi stepped away from the warm body, already missing the heat when she turned. Paige's hands were still on her waist, grip loosened.

"Thanks, Bueckers. But that's all you're getting from me." Kazzi's mouth moved before she could filter it, and Paige's eyes darkened, fingers twitching.

"Not even a dance?"

Kazzi snorted, heart threatening to beat out of her chest as she looked up. "I hate you. You hate me. There's no need for a dance."

Paige tugged Kazzi closer, grip still loose, obviously allowing Kazzi to slip out whenever she wanted. Kazzi followed, almost stumbling into the blonde's chest. "Yep. Whatever you say."

"Seriously, though." Kazzi's words were the epitome of contradiction, as she had already started swaying to the music, hands sliding up Paige's arms.

Paige had a smile on her face, eyes lowered, "Okay."

"I don't wanna."

"Sure, Kaz."

"Like, we're literally rivals."

"Mhm," Paige hummed, body pressing against Kazzi's, matching her rhythm.

"Horrible, horrible idea."

"Agreed, Kovers."

Kazzi narrowed her eyes, trying not to get lost in Paige's amused expression. "Okay, Bueckers."


Whatever stupid verbal battle they had going on ended there as Kazzi fell into Paige's arms.

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