A Death in the Family

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Everything that had ever gone wrong for Juliet was suddenly going right. Mr. Sexy Bastard was staring into her eyes. He was speaking words of poetry to her as he bent way too close for anything but a kiss. He was preparing to give Juliet the education she'd been missing for way too many years, and I was preparing to jump out of my seat like a cheerleader flinging pom-poms—

—when a scream shot through the air, so terrified that it silenced everyone at the party.

It sounded like Kay.

I was out of my seat and running in the direction of the scream before it trailed off. It led me to a gazebo lit up by dozens of tiny lights, nestled in the center of a small garden. 

Ken the bodyguard lay across the steps of the gazebo like Ken the lifeless doll. His head had been ripped off his neck, his limp spine the only thing still attaching it to his body.

Kaydrien was curled up on the gazebo bench, one hand pressed against a gash on his face, blood sliding down his wrist as he stared up at a figure in a red, hooded jacket. 

I screamed as I ran at his attacker. The figure turned his back to me. As he did so, I saw a rip in his sleeve, splitting in half the same vévé I saw the night of the concert. 

Then he jumped over the gazebo's rail with ease, vanishing into the night as I reached the steps.

My stomach churned as I hurried past the corpse of Juliet's bodyguard. "Kay! Oh my god! Are you okay?"

Kay looked at me, his eyes blank. He lowered his blood-soaked hand. A long gash had been carved into his cheek, trailing down to his jaw.

It looked exactly the same as Juliet's scar.

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