Chapter 42 : Luca's POV

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"For how long  are you going to keep up with this ?" Asked Luca as he sat on one of the chairs as I washed my bloody hands.

"Until she comes back." I replied with absolute no care at all.

"Lorenzo , she's never coming back.  You know that." He said in a soft tone.

"Then , this is never going to stop" I replied to him before walking out of the room.


I just let out a huge sigh as I saw him walking out of the room. What Lorenzo is going through is nothing but painful. I've been there and it hurt like hell. It feels like you're in hell and everything that  makes life perfect for you can never come back

When I lost Princess,  for a moment I strongly considered killing myself. Its like I felt no other connection left in this world to live for.

But I realised  that  she wouldn't have wanted that. Yes , I loved her with every being within me but she wouldn't have  welcomed the fact that I killed myself in grief.

Lorenzo on the other hand turned into this killing machine.

I remember how motionless he was during Alicia's funeral. He didn't say a thing. His eyes were blood shot red and he kept his hands balled up into fists to prevent them from shaking due to anger.

We couldn't conduct a proper burial however because that missile attack left nothing for us to retrieve. We only got back  her wedding ring and chain.

Three months after the funeral Lorenzo began hunting after the ones that killed Alicìa. That were responsible  for her death. They were all Czech.

They had advanced weapons , entail and even advanced  training hence they left no traces in any of their kidnappings hence we could never find them unless they wanted us to find them.

But Lorenzo  however found them.

There were three masterminds behind this.

Jakub Cerny and his wife Kateřina Cerny and their partner and close friend Filip Ondřej.

Lorenzo was coursing through fire when he found them. He refused to give them an easy death. He absolutely  refused for anyone to touch them except him.

He didn't care that Kateřina  was a woman. He completely  lost sight of things when he found those three.

When he interrogated  them ,  they explained it was something that  started happening way before any of us were even born and it brought in billions for them.

They even had advance kidnappings planned out for them. Biddings were already taking place and girls were already being targeted.

Lorenzo shut the whole thing down and was crowned the Mafia King  by most Familias. Noone even dares to say his name out loud anymore.

He's changed for the worst.

As for those 3 he tortures them everyday given to him by God.

Our earlier conversation   before he walked away , he'd come from torturing them all over.

He hurts them so much they'll  be on the brick of death but he treats them and when they think they're all fine and better he gets to it again.

Noone can stop him , not even his mother Ms Rosalia. She comes and visits us here in Italy every now and then but she mainly stays back in Barcelona were her businesses are.

"Luca!" Yelled someone pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Lorenzo what's us in his office in the next 15minutes" said Tom and I just nodded getting up from the chair and following him.

I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink and see someone who's  brought a new light into my world.

"Hey , love" I said and kissed the side of her head.  "What are you making ?"

She just chuckled and shook her head. "You know I never tell any of you that" she replied and got back to her cooking.

"Come on , not even your husband ?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I'm not married." She said.

"You have a ring on your finger,  it was in a church like you asked and it was definetly in front of your brother and the priest as well. I think that qualifies me as your husband." I told her and she just smiled and looked at me with her beautiful  innocent eyes.

"That sure does " she said before connecting our lips.

"Marilyn  I need you to g-. Oh my goodness , no!" Yelled  Irvine again.

"Does this always have to happen everytime when I come in here. Gosh you guys need to grow up and stop acting like teenagers" he complained while taking a seat on the stools on the island table.

"It's you who shows up the wrong time." Replied Marilyn.

"Hey , Lucas aren't you late for something ?" Asked Irvine as he took a bite into the apple he just grabbed.

"Don't call me Lucas" I said to him but he rolled his eyes before daringly saying it again.

"Honey, you should go. Lorenzo must probably be getting impatient  by now" said Marilyn  holding me off from charging at Irvine.

I left the two of them in the kitchen  and went to his office.

Yeah,  I moved on and I remarried.

When I saw Marilyn  I don't know why I was drawn back to the feeling I had when I first saw Princess.

She was wearing an orange summer dress holding a basket of  freshly picked flowers going into the house.

I knew right then and there that this feeling wasn't wrong and it felt more as if this was Princess  allowing me to move on.

I took the chance with Marilyn. She didn't even want to talk to  me let alone look at me at first. I almost gave up trying when Irvine showed up out of the blue calling me Lucas and helped me get to her.

For that I'm super grateful to him but him calling Lucas even though he knows how much I hate that name makes me wanna punch him in the face.

We got married after 1 and a half year of us seeing each other. Lorenzo was there too but his mind was shifted. He's always present these days but his mind is always stuck on Alicìa.

His mother  seems to understand his pain in some sense but he's shutting people out and is not letting anyone in.

Getting into his office. He sat on his chair with a glass of whiskey in hand while Alicia's  huge portrait was on the wall behind him.

She looked happy,  you could see it in her eyes. Most pictures in here were of her. He put them in here himself and hasn't taken down even one of them.

He never even will.

INTRIGUED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें