Chapter 34 : the organ

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***LORENZO ***

"No , it's fine. I'll let him know as soon as he wakes up" I heard her faint voice.

"Okay , thank you" she said and shifted a bit before she started playing softly with my hair.

"Wonder what he'd do if I plaited his hair" she said to herself and that caused me to growl.

"I'm not a doll"

"And he finally speaks" she teased with a slight giggle.

"I heard you when first woke up." She said .

"I didn't make a sound"

"You didn't but your breathing wasn't following the same pattern so I figured you were up " she explained and I just smiled at her before pecking her sweet lips.

"Mario called-" she said. "He couldn't get through to you on your phone he'd to call me instead " she added.

"What did he want ?" I asked her. "He didn't exactly say but he told me to tell and please do remember these are not even my words he's the one who said and I'm just repeating after him" she defended looking at me innocently.

"He said???" I asked her again with my browed arched up.

"He said get your fucking love sick stupid ass to the warehouse in 5 minutes after hearing this and don't you dare have sex in the shower coz it's urgent" she said in one go without looking at me.

"Mrs Rivera you surprise me " I said to her and she looked at me confused.

"Firstly you threw a dagger without much effort straight into your father in law's shoulder and now you can't even say that much?" I teased her and she looked at me shocked.

"You told me you didn't like me using such words so I stopped." She explained while trying to get off the bed which was inevitable given the fact that she was trapped under neath me.

"I'm glad you listened. " I said getting in top off her. "Mario said-" but I cut her off.

"Remind me Mrs Rivera , you married who?" I asked and she blushed but still looked at me.

"I married you" she replied and I hummed before connecting our lips. Her lips were the softest thing anyone could ever encounter on earth. It's unfortunate no-one will get to experience this because she's all mine.

I draped my hand around her waist while the other went on to massage her breast. She let out a slight moan before she exhaled deeply. The kiss got more intense and my movements on her body increased more and more while she was now a hot mess under me.

My hand left her breast never breaking kiss , sliding down to her core. Cupping it , she gasped and her grip on my tshirt tightened.

I began moving in circular motions while she moaned more and more into the the kiss. The sweatpants she was wearing were now becoming and irritating barrier between me and her so I decided to slide my hands into them and meet my best friend.

"L-Lorenzo" she stammered. "Phone" she said again and that's only when I heard her phone ringing from the side table.

"Ignore it " I told her knowing very well that it was Mario calling again.

"It might be really important that's why it won't stop ringing" she said.

I looked at her before kissing her one more time. "I'm taking you somewhere. Be ready at 8 tonight" I said and kissed her forehead before getting off her and taking her phone to answer it on the balcony.

"I'll have you know that the phone you're constantly calling on belongs to my wife. So what exactly is it that you want from her?" I said as soon as I answered.

"I just want my bestfriend to come to the warehouse. That's all I'm asking" he said I walked to the edge of the balcony and saw the motherfucker leaning on his car with his phone in his hand.

"Did you put me on speaker mode?"I asked him and he laughed slightly.

" I wouldn't dare. " He said while placing the phone back to his ear.

"I'll be down in 20minutes then we can leave" I said before ending the call and going back in .

I found my angel making our bed with her hair in a messy bun. When she leaned in to spread the sheet her ass was perfectly shaped in those sweat pants I felt myself getting hard just watching her. God I'm so addicted to her .

I had to force myself to get to the shower and go to the warehouse and remove all the pg18 rated scenarios of how I was gonna fuck her.

Getting down stairs I found Mario flirting with one of the house help.

"Move" I ordered him and he looked at me and nodded and we both were now advancing towards the exit.

Just then a high pitched scream came from the kitchen. We both looked at each other before we rushed there with our guns pulled out.

"Marilyn are you okay" I asked as I got closer to were she was standing.

"Marilyn " called put Mario again when she didn't respond to us.

"I-i-i was in here the whole time. " She stammered looking in the sink. "I didn't leave the room for even a second how did- how di that get in here" she said while she clutched her apron to avoid her hands from shaking.

"Hey , it's okay. Breathe , relax ,i'll take care of it " said Mario as he caressed her head pulling her away from the organ.

Sincerely hoping you're not too late to find dear Rosalia.


Your one true Brother


I put my gun down and looked at the heart carefully. "Mario !" I called out to him.

"Explain it to me how Luca was able to get a message in here when he's locked up in the warehouse " I said to him and he looked awfully confused but I couldn't care right now.

"I'll call and find out" he said pulling out his phone.

"Where's Luca"

"What do you mean several casualties"

"And the rest of the prisoners?"

"We'll be there in 15" he said and ended the call.

"Luca , your mother and father escaped. There's been several casualties , 15 to be exact.They had help from both in and outside. they escaped heading north from the warehouse to God knows where." He told me.

"There heading to Spain , Barcelona. Get the jet ready and track someone by the name Rosalia "

"Capo , that name could belong to anyone "said Mario as we walked out the door.

"Then it's about fucking time I visited my godfather " I said getting into the car along with him and driving off the estate.

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