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Conrad 🏈

"You're early," Cleveland remarks as he enters the boat. I don't reply immediately, prompting him to continue, "So, what knots are you gonna torture with me today, hmm?"

"You gonna tell me I fucked up?" I ask, referring to the other night when he asked me to come over, and I arrived late.

"That's more the role of a parent, and, uh... you know, I'm not one for a reason," he responds casually.

"So I'm not, like, fired?" I probe.

"Look, you were supposed to help me prep. Is it the end of the world that you showed up late and I made up some crap about sailing on national television? Not really," he reassures me.

"Well, thanks for not being pissed," I say, relieved.

"So, be real with me. Why were you late?" he asks, getting straight to the point.

"Um... I was with a girl. We lost track of time," I admit reluctantly. I wish it was Eleanor, not Nicole. Eleanor means everything to me, but Nicole... she's just not Eleanor.

"Oh, man, to be 17 again," he muses.

"No, it wasn't like that," I protest.

"Sure, if you say so," he responds skeptically. "Just be on time from now on. Cool?"

"Cool," I agree, grateful for his understanding.

Eleanor 🎀

Belly and I went to drop Isla and Taylor at the bus stop. Taylor sat in the back with us since Belly and Taylor weren't on speaking terms. Isla and I chatted the whole time.

"You're not going to say goodbye?" my mom asks Belly.

"I don't feel like it," Belly replies tersely.

"She's your best friend, Belly," I interject. "If you want, I can come with you."

"Fine," she concedes reluctantly. I reach out to Taylor first.

"Taylor," I call out. She stops walking and looks behind.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" she asks.

"Nope, I just wanted to say sorry for the other day," I explain.

"It's okay," she replies with a small smile.

"I don't know why Belly is angry with you, but I know deep down you two will find a way to fix your friendship," I reassure her. Belly joins us, and I give Isla a hug before heading back to the car to let Belly talk to Taylor. I couldn't hear what they said, but I know they made up.

My mom waits for Belly to get in the car before speaking. "You know, boys might come and go, but a best friend is once in a lifetime. We have to hold tight to our friendships because we never know what the future will hold."


As we pull into the driveway, relief washes over me. My stomach has been rumbling the entire car ride home, practically begging for something to eat. Hurrying into the kitchen, I head straight for the fridge. A smile creeps across my face as I spot the stack of Mickey Mouse pancakes waiting for me. Without wasting a moment, I grab a plate and load it up with the warm, fluffy pancakes, savoring the aroma that fills the air. Taking a seat at the table, I dig in eagerly, the familiar taste bringing a sense of comfort. As I devour my meal, I make sure to leave a few pancakes behind for Belly, just in case she wants some too. After all, sharing is caring, right?

Word count: 564 words

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