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Eleanor 🎀

As Belly and I arrive at the beach, I can't shake the feeling of regret for heeding Taylor's advice and donning the dress. The shimmering fabric feels out of place against the backdrop of sand and waves, a stark reminder of my discomfort in unfamiliar territory.

"Yo, gas station girl!" Jumper's voice cuts through the air, drawing my attention. I turn to see him approaching, a casual grin on his face. "Hey. Where you coming from?" he asks, his tone easygoing.

"Uh, a-another party," Belly replies on my behalf, stepping in to deflect his attention.

"Sweet. Yeah. Hey. Here, take my beer," he offers, extending a can towards me.

"No, no, no, thanks. She's okay," Belly interjects, declining on my behalf. I glance over to spot Steven in the distance, a familiar face amidst the sea of strangers.

"Steven!" I call out, hoping to find some semblance of familiarity in the chaotic scene.

"What are you doing here?" Steven's voice holds a hint of surprise as he approaches, his arm draped casually around a girl. "And what are you wearing?"

"I invited her," Jumper chimes in defensively. "Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm her brother. They are 15, you pedo," Steven retorts, his protective instincts kicking in.

"We're almost 16," Belly interjects, attempting to downplay the situation. I find a spot near the ocean and settle down, feeling a sense of isolation amidst the crowd. The longing for the comfort of a familiar book gnaws at me, a reminder of the solace it would have provided in this unfamiliar setting.

As the evening breeze sweeps over the beach, a young boy approaches, his polite inquiry catching me off guard.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" he asks, his demeanor friendly and open.

"No, not at all," I reply, gesturing to the empty space beside me.

"Hey, I'm James," he introduces himself as he settles down next to me.

"I'm Ellie, or Eleanor," I offer in return, a hint of uncertainty in my voice.

"So, are you from here?" he inquires, his curiosity genuine.

"No, I've been coming to Cousins ever since I was a baby," I explain. "What about you?"

"I live in London, but in the summer I come here because all my family lives here," he shares. I can't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of meeting someone from across the pond.

"I stick pretty close to books when I'm here. So..." I trail off, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"How come?" he probes gently, his interest piqued.

"Guess because I-I don't really know anybody, other than my family," I admit, feeling a twinge of vulnerability.

"Now you do," he reassures me with a warm smile. "Are you cold?" he asks, offering me his hoodie.

"Great, I'll take it off your hands," I reply, grateful for the gesture of warmth.

As our conversation flows, he shifts the topic to the group I had been with earlier.

"You know the other guys you were with? Was any of them, like, your boyfriend?" he inquires, his tone casual.

"No. They're, um, they're my mom's best friend's sons," I clarify, relieved to dispel any misconceptions. "We stay at their house every summer. They're just mad me and my sister are here," I add.

"I'm really glad you came," he confesses, his sincerity touching.

"Hey, do you know anything about that-that debutante thing?" I ask, shifting the conversation to a topic of curiosity.

"I mean, it's definitely, like, steeped in the patriarchy, if that's what you're talking about," he replies thoughtfully. "But it's actually not total garbage. They do, like, a big fundraiser every year."

"Wow," I marvel at his insight.

"Last year, Elizabeth Warren ended up showing up," he adds.

"Oh, my God, that's awesome," I exclaim, impressed by the event's significance.

"It's pretty late. Um... I really don't want to leave right now, but I have to be up really early in the morning," he confesses.

"Okay, I will let you go, James," I say, understanding his obligations.

"Okay, it would be really great if you came," he urges, leaving me with a sense of anticipation for what the future might hold.

"I'll try," I say, determination flickering in my voice as I sprint after Belly, who had just been punched by Jumper. Together, Jere and I assist Belly into the car, settling into the backseat with Conrad. My gaze shifts to James, approaching the car.

"Hey James," I call out, a sense of camaraderie in my tone.

"Hey Ellie," he replies, joining us at the car. "So, are you gonna come?"

"Yeah," I affirm, handing him my phone. "Here, put your details in so I can text you."

"Okay, here you go," he says, passing the phone back to me. "Bye, I have to go."

"Bye," I respond with a smile, sinking back into my seat. Belly occupies the front seat while Jere takes the role of designated driver, steering us back home. As Jeremiah starts the car and begins driving, a sudden expletive escapes his lips.

"Fuck! Steven!" Jeremiah curses, his concern evident. "Watch Conrad. I'll be right back," he declares before stepping out of the car to search for Steven. Just then, a knock on the window interrupts the tense moment.

"Have you kids been drinking?" the cop inquires, casting a scrutinizing gaze upon us.

Hey lovelies how are you.
I am currently writing chapter 38
I just want to give you a heads up that you might be crying in the last few chapters and don't come for me when you find out what is happening at the end.

Anyways, I'm going to write a second book based on this.
I have an idea of what to call it but I want to know your guys thoughts.
So what do you guys want to call it? But it has to be a Taylor Swift song.

Anyways enough of me.
Bye my lovelies.

Word count: 1001 words

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