Chapter 10 : Punishments

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Abhi's POV

Just as I opened the door of room no. 66, a strong gust of wind blowed on our faces. It wasn't just normal air but it was mixed with too much amount of dust, which made all us cough our lungs out.

"Lagta hai ramesh kaka ne barso se kamra saaf nahi kiya." kaaya said while coughing.
(Looks like ramesh kaka haven't cleaned the room for years.)

"Hoga kuchh reason. Let's see what's inside." I said and we went in the room.
(There must be some reason.)

I was the first one to enter. I slowly roamed my eyes around the room. There wasn't any special thing in the room, it was same as all the others room in haveli. The only difference was that all the rooms were cleaned and this was not. It had only one window facing the back side of the haveli, and that too already open, from where ramesh kaka's house could be seen.

The only question roaming in my mind was,

"Why was this room locked?" before I could think something parthiv said the same thing.

"Room ki halat dekh kar to lag raha hai ki yeh room unki umar se bhi pehle se bandh hai." rohit said.
(Looks like the room was closed before his born.)

"And why do you think like that?" mona asked rohit.

"Nothing much, just this thought crossed my mind so I said it out loud." rohit said.

There weren't many things in this room, just a portrait of a young couple sitting on a swing under a tree, a bed, old oil lamps, a cupboard and a small bed side table. While observing the room, a shiny thing under the bed caught my eyes.  It was very small, maybe like a ring. Before I can go near the bed to pick it, kaaya suddenly screamed.

Kaaya's POV

"I don't know why, but this room is giving me hella creepy vibes." I said lowly.

"Yeah me too." aanya and kaavi both said at the same time. I guess they heard me as they're standing close to me.

Looking here and there, my eyes fell on the cupboard. There was something written on it, but not with a pen or pencil, it looked like someone had written it with nails, like by scratching. Everyone was busy in their own, so I thought to see it by myself. But before I could I reach it something made me stumble causing me too fall hard on the floor and a loud pained gasp left my mouth.

It caught everyone's attention and they gathered in a circle around me. Aanya and kaavi made me stand up. This fall caused some scratches on my left elbow.

"What happened?! How did you fell?" sir asked me, while mam and kaavi were checking me for the injuries.

"I was going towards that cupboard, when something came in between." I said whimpering.

"It looks like someone's walking stick." kartik said picking up the stick.

"It's damn old." taksh said making weird faces.

"Put that away, so next time someone else doesn't get hurt. And let's go out, this room is giving me very creepy vibes." mam said while me kaavi and aanya exchanged a glance of our same thoughts as mam.

We moved out of the room and sir locked it. After that kaavi and aanya helped me to our room and everyone else also left for their respective rooms.

Abhi's POV

As I was locking the door, my eyes fell on something particular. The handle of the door had a thin torn red thread. I guess it torned when I opened the door. Letting the thread as it was, I locked the door and placed the bookshelf back at its place, in which shivangi and parthiv helped me. I decided to return the key tomorrow, personally to raju, because if ramesh kaka saw it in my hand, raju will surely get beaten by ramesh kaka.

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