Chapter 12

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I woke to the garage door shutting. A sort of sound that would normally never disrupt my sleep. If it weren't for the thoughts consuming my brain the whole duration of the night, that would have been the case. I shut my eyes for the 10th time, in a desperate attempt to let sleep find me. I let my body go, and stop searching for it. Though for the 11th time, they forcibly open. Replaying a scene in my head, I convinced myself I didn't care about. Once again, Leo's stressed and sad eyes, drifted passed my now closed eyelids. The memory of the defeat in his shoulders as if he was holding the weight of the world on his shoulders. But who was I to care? He clearly didn't give a damn about how his words effected me, so why should I give one about how mine might have left a dent on him? I shake my head, and flip. Hoping sleep lies on the other side of my pillow. Once again, the memory of him missing his third shot and practically freezing in place, seizes my search for a slumber. Anyone with eyes could tell he was off. And idiotically, I find myself wondering if I was too hard on him. I barely know him. And he doesn't know me either. But for a brief moment I let my loathing fade, and allow my mind to worry for his feelings. And in the seconds where I let go, sleep claims me.


"And you didn't punch him???" Andreena exclaims through the phone.

"Just the car." I sigh.

"Come on! You should have gone with a hammer instead of a fist."

"I know, I know but-"

"-No! Okay, this is the guy who basically called you a bitch and lets you walk like three miles home every day. But if you're into that, I don't kink shame. He is like super hot."

"Of course i'm not into that." I shuffle my feet against the pavement, heading to my next class when I see a shadow appear behind me. The hand grabs my phone and puts it to his ear.

"Sorry, Astrid is busy at the moment. She'll call you later." He smiles and ends the call. Handing my phone back to me. "Hey beautiful." He says, turning his full attention toward me. I smile at his flirtatious tone.

"Hello Tom." I say, nodding at him.

"Who knew you were so good at two truths and a lie?" He says, referring to our game on the phone last night.

"Just one of my many trades." I chuckle.

"Too bad you weren't that good. I won our bet."

"No way," I say in mock shock. I think back to our bet. He wins, he takes me on a date. I win, I get peanut butter crackers.

"No surprise here, I basically win everything. Be ready by 7:00 because i'm taking you on that date." He smirks.

"You win everything?" I say, laughing. I recognize the seriousness on his face, and I stop.

"Yea." He shrugs as if this is an obvious fact. "See you later hot stuff." He winks and runs off. I chuckle and look down at my phone to see Andreena calling.

"Um hello?? New love interest? Did I miss a chapter?" She exclaims, the second I hit accept.

"I'm just as surprised as you are."


As I'm walking towards dad's office, I stop. The sounds of two voices, causes me to press my back against the wall. Out of sight.

"Explain to me why I had to pick you up from the police station last night, because you weren't home." I recognize the voice of my dad. And the second, was too deep to mistake for someone else.

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