#01. lady whisper

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chapter 001 ━━━━ lady whisper

WITH ONE LEG DRAPED casually over the other, you recline in the cozy cafe, a pamphlet in hand, the latest gossip of your academy unfolding before your eyes

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WITH ONE LEG DRAPED casually over the other, you recline in the cozy cafe, a pamphlet in hand, the latest gossip of your academy unfolding before your eyes.

your lips curve into a knowing smile as you devour the scandalous stories, your eyes dancing with amusement.

across from you, Kafka leans forward, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. "are you thoroughly enjoying the latest gossip, my dear?" she asks, a playful glint in her eyes.

you chuckle, taking a sip of your coffee before responding, "oh, Kafka, you have no idea. the drama within these halls never fails to entertain."

she laughs, the sound light and melodious, as she reaches for a slice of toast. "indeed. it's like our very own soap opera, isn't it?"

you nod in agreement, your gaze returning to the pamphlet in front of you. "absolutely. it's like peeking into the lives of characters straight out of a novel." you remark, a hint of excitement in your voice.

as you read on, your eyes widen with surprise and amusement when you stumble upon a passage mentioning your own exploits.

"oh, Kafka, you have to hear this," you say, a chuckle escaping your lips.

"apparently, Lady Whisper finds it necessary to highlight my extensive list of rejections from potential suitors."

Kafka leans in closer, her curiosity piqued. "suitors? let me see." she says, reaching for the pamphlet.

you hand it over, still giggling at the absurdity of it all. "it's quite humorous, actually. they even refer to these boys as 'suitors,' as if we're living in some bygone era."

Kafka reads the passage, a smile playing on her lips. "well, according to Lady Whisper, these boys would be fools not to court you with the intention of marriage." she says, her tone teasing.

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