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The arrival at the Breckenridge cabin had been something everyone in the group had looked forward to—a luxurious escape nestled in what seemed like a winter wonderland, perfectly timed for Ava and Ethan's pre-wedding celebration. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as they spilled out of the rented van, eager to begin their vacation. However, the idyllic moment shattered as soon as the cabin's front door swung open, revealing Violet, unexpected and unwelcome.

"Hey, you guys! What took you so long?" Violet's greeting, bright and wide-eyed, hung in the crisp evening air, a stark contrast to the group's collective dismay. Ava's heart sank; the sight of Violet was a jarring intrusion into what was supposed to be a joyous occasion. The other girls couldn't mask their annoyance, their subtle eye rolls speaking volumes of their feelings towards the unexpected guest.

"Oh, hey Vi. You're here..." Tony's voice trailed off, his words more a question than a greeting as he shot a questioning look towards Ethan, the implicit accusation clear.

Violet, seemingly oblivious to the tension, approached with a confidence that suggested she felt entirely at ease, as if the cabin—and by extension, the group's dynamic—revolved around her. 

"Well, you all seemed to forget to mention this little getaway. Lucky for me, Ethan dropped the news the other day. Thought I'd surprise everyone!" she chirped, her joy seemingly unaffected by the frosty welcomes.

The group's collective gaze swiveled to Ethan, their looks laden with questions and accusations. Ava, feeling a sting of betrayal sharper than the cold, strode past the awkward gathering into the sanctuary of the cabin, her silence a loud declaration of her turmoil.

Once inside, Tony couldn't contain his frustration, his whisper sharp and loaded with disappointment. "What the hell, Ethan? This was supposed to be about you and Ava, a pre-wedding celebration. And you bring in your ex, whom, let's not pretend, you've got a complicated history with?"

Ethan, caught in the gravity of his mistake, could only muster a weak defense. "It slipped out. I swear, it wasn't intentional," he murmured, the guilt evident in his hushed tone as they maneuvered through the cabin with their luggage, a heavy silence enveloping the group. The warmth of the cabin did little to thaw the coldness that had settled among them, a reminder of the delicate balance of relationships and the shadows of the past that lingered, uninvited.

The warmth of the stone fireplace radiated through the living room, casting a comforting glow on Carlson and Amy as they settled into the plush cushions of the big couch. "We've already ordered food, and the resort staff should be here any minute with it," Carlson informed, his voice mingling with the crackle of the fire.

"I'm starving," Amy admitted, her words soft as she snuggled closer to her boyfriend, the anticipation of a meal making her lean into his support with a contented sigh. Around them, the living room buzzed with the low murmur of their friends, who one by one, drifted off to find their rooms and unwind after the journey.

Ethan's gaze lingered on Ava, who sat wrapped in a silence that seemed louder than words. "Babe, do you want us to go to our room first while we wait for the food?" he asked, the warmth in his voice barely masking the undercurrent of guilt for the discomfort he had inadvertently caused her on this first night of what should have been a joyous getaway. He was acutely aware of how Ava felt about Violet—her quiet demeanor never did quite conceal the distaste she harbored for his past flame.

Ava's response was simple, a monosyllabic "Sure..." that held volumes. Together, they walked towards their room, her steps measured, his hesitant, both enveloped in a tangible unease. Violet's eyes trailed the couple from a distance, her presence a silent specter that lingered heavily in the air.

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