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Ava ran blindly, her mind a whirlwind of pain and betrayal. The cold air stung her cheeks, but it was nothing compared to the ache in her heart. She had known deep down that Ethan might leave her for Violet, but witnessing it, especially on a night that was supposed to be theirs, was a pain beyond anything she could have imagined.

Her vision blurred by tears, Ava ran, each step fueled by a tumult of emotions she couldn't contain. Betrayal, hurt, shock – they all merged into a crushing wave of despair.

As she finally slowed, her breaths came in shuddering sobs. She found herself at a secluded spot, away from the lights and sounds of the cabin. Here, under the indifferent canopy of the night sky, she allowed herself to fully feel the extent of her heartache. She was not just crying over Ethan's betrayal, but also for herself, for the time and love she had invested in a relationship that was now ending in the most painful way imaginable.

Her body shook with sobs, each one a release of the pain, disappointment, and love that she had held onto for so long. She knew this was more than just the end of her relationship with Ethan; it was the closing of a significant chapter of her life. The coldness of the night enveloped her, yet it was nothing compared to the numbness spreading through her heart, a defense against a pain too overwhelming to fully comprehend.

Ava's steps were resolute as she approached the cabin, her mind still reeling, but determined to maintain her composure. Violet, waiting at the gate, seemed intent on confronting her. Ava tried to pass by without engaging, but Violet reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Now that you know about Ethan and me, you should be the one to call off the engagement," Violet stated coldly, without a hint of remorse.

Ava took a deep breath, steadying her emotions before responding with a sharp gaze. "Get your hand off me, Vi. I don't have the time or energy for this." Her voice was firm, dismissive. "And why should I be the one to break off the engagement?"

Violet, undeterred, met her gaze with a hard look. "You saw us kiss. Ethan loves me, not you," she declared with a sense of entitlement.

Ava let out a derisive laugh, her patience wearing thin. "Really, Vi? I never knew you could be so shameless. To think you'd try to steal a friend's fiancé."

"He was mine first. I love him!" Violet shot back defiantly.

Ava's smirk was bitter. "And then you left him. That's some 'love' you have there." She paused, gathering her strength. "I don't want to hear anymore, Vi. Ethan and I are getting married next week, and that's that. Deal with it."

Leaving Violet standing there, Ava turned and walked away, her head held high. She refused to let Violet see any hint of defeat in her eyes.

 As Ava stepped back into the room, she was a picture of composed strength, but upon seeing Ethan, her façade of resilience crumbled. The sight of him, so pensive and troubled, was like a key unlocking the floodgates of her pent-up emotions. The tears she had been holding back cascaded down her cheeks, each one a silent testament to her shattered heart.

Ethan, seeing her in such distress, was filled with guilt and remorse. He rushed to her, enveloping her in his arms in a futile attempt to offer comfort. But his embrace only served as a poignant reminder of what they were about to lose, intensifying her sobs.

"Hush now, baby," Ethan whispered soothingly, his embrace tightening. The tenderness in his voice contrasted sharply with the pain they were both feeling. "I'm so sorry... I never meant for any of this to happen. Please believe me."

Ava, nestled in his arms, couldn't bring herself to be angry. She knew she should have been, but her love for Ethan, a love that had been the cornerstone of her life for six years, overshadowed the bitterness and betrayal. She raised her tear-streaked face to meet his gaze, her eyes a mirror of her broken soul.

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