~ Chapter 57 ~

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Chapter 57
Saturday December 31st
Lennon's POV

I rolled over this morning to turn off the annoying sound of my alarm that was ringing from my phone. I looked at the time, seeing it was my normal time that I got up in the morning, but only wanted to go back to sleep. I knew that wasn't an option because the kids should be waking up very soon.

I sighed to myself and dragged myself out of bed and into my bathroom. I splashed some water on my face, brushed my teeth, and put on some deodorant to get ready for the day. I walked back into my room and changed into some leggings and a graphic tee, getting really confused when I heard music coming from the other side of the house.

Did I leave music on last night?

I shrugged my shoulders and headed out to the living room to go see what was happening. It wasn't a big deal, I was just confused because I swore I turned off the music after the five of us had a dance party last night.

I walked into the living room, and not only heard music, but someone singing along to the words. My eyes wandered to the kitchen area, only to be met by a surprising sight.

The twins were already awake. Both were sat in their high chairs, smiles on their faces, as they watched and waited for their breakfast to arrive on the trays in front of them. Atticus was clapping along to the music, and Delia was staring at the pan on the stove with wide eyes.

Theo was standing tall at the counter on a chair. The griddle was placed in front of him, a mess of bowls and spoons on the sides, pancakes sizzling away on the hot surface. His hair was pulled back in a little bun, one hand on his hip, and the other clutching a spatula in the air.

Hudson was standing on one side of Theo, now helping him flip the pancakes to the uncooked side on the griddle. He was the one who was singing along to the words playing throughout the house, and smiles were on both of their faces as they made breakfast together.

How did everyone get up before me? I usually am awoken when Theo gets himself out of bed, and I didn't hear the twins cry? Very strange to me, but the sight that was in front of me was worth it.

I took a mental picture of my family having a good time, none of them noticed I was standing there yet, too engaged in their activity to realize I made an appearance. I didn't care, I just stood there in the doorway and watched them fondly.

"You think mommy's going to enjoy her breakfast?" Hudson asked Theo, turning around to get some eggs that were apparently done cooking.

"Yes!" Theo shouted happily. "Help me flip this one"

"Oh you're right" Hudson said after looking, and helped guide Theo's arm to flip the pancake over.

Delia babbled from her high chair, to which Theo responded by turning to her and assuring her food will be done in just a few minutes.

It was then that Hudson noticed I was awake and watching them, blowing a kiss in my direction as a good morning. It was like a scene just from the movies. The sight of one big happy family making breakfast together and trying to surprise the mom with breakfast.

It was adorable, and I couldn't believe this was my life. I mean, how did I get so lucky to have the best kids in the entire world, and Hudson? This was everything that I dreamed of when I was wanting to start a family, and I got it. My four favorite people were having the best time early on a Saturday morning in the kitchen, and everything was perfect.

I had the best children, a ring on my finger, a career that I loved, a house that I can call home, and the man of my dreams standing in front of me.

Except when I looked up again to see my favorite sight, it wasn't Hudson standing there next to Theo. It was Harry.

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