~ Chapter 35 ~

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Chapter 35
Wednesday September 21st
Lennon's POV

"You look very invested in whatever it is that you're reading" A voice caught my attention, actually taking my attention away from my phone and at whoever it was. I looked up to see Samantha, the new nurse taking a seat with her lunch in the chair across from me.

"My son's birthday is coming up, trying to figure out where to take him" I answered.

"People don't throw birthday parties anymore?" She stared at me.

"Unfortunately my son would hate that. And it's a lot of work on my part" I chuckled. "I thought I would see if I could have the babysitter watch the twins, so that it can be just a day I have with him. Just can't decide where to go"

"What's he into?"

"Toy story, spiderman, trains, tea parties. There's a new toy story movie coming out, but doesn't the movies just sound boring for a 4 year old?"

"If that's what he likes I don't see a problem. Maybe do the movies, a desert, and then a trampoline park for something more energy?" 

"True" I nodded. "Hopefully my babysitter won't mind working a Saturday if she can"

"I can watch the twins if it comes down to it" Samantha offered. "Sounds weird because we barely know each other, but just in case"

"I'll keep that in mind" I said honestly. "Thanks for the help"

"Of course"

We enjoyed the rest of our short lived break before we were rushed back to work. The ER was flooded today, who knew so many injuries could happen on a random Wednesday? You would think it was Halloween with the way the day was going.

We had broken bones, lacerations, stomach bugs, and the one that now always stops me in my tracks; a car crash.

It was a rough one. A mom, dad, two daughters all came in critical condition. The family was on their way out for a vacation to visit the grandparents when a car full of teenagers had ran the red light and smashed right into them. The teenagers walked away with cuts and bruises, and this family is fighting for their life.

I was on the team trying to save the younger of the two girls. A 6 year old. She was conscious when she was being rolled in, the opposite of her older sister who is 9 and is probably in the worst condition from what I could tell.

The doctors were of course doing their best to work on the little girl, her name is Eva, but she was rightfully scared out of her mind. She was crying uncontrobally, and flinching every time the doctor brought a tool nearby. It was getting increasingly harder to watch.

The doctors were brilliant in their work and saving lives, but their bedside manner was awful. Eva is just a child, and she's crying out for her family because she's in pain and she's confused, and we weren't helping her situation.

"Cover me" I told Samantha, and gave her my job on top of her own. Hopefully, it would only last a few moments and then this would be easier for everyone.

I squeezed my way behind the doctor and went up towards Eva's head so she could see me, and I gently placed my hand on her squirming shoulder.

"Hey, hey. Eva, look at me, okay?" I spoke gently to not scare her, but a slight urgency in my tone. "It will be okay, just look at me?"

Eva flinched, and snapped her head to look at me, tears streaming down her face.

"My name is Lennon, I'm a nurse okay? I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but we can help you. I know it's scary and you don't know what's happening, but I promise you that we can help you, but I need you to do something for me. Can you do that?" I pulled her tear stained hair out of her face and used my thumb to rub the top of her head.

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