Chapter Three: Heaven to Hell

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Before this chapter starts, a little warning!

A little bit of Chaggie and PLATONIC RadioApple (and the Archangels ship it really hard lol)

That's it, enjoy!

~ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚~

✜ One day later, in heaven ✜

    "It's really cold here" Alastor complains slightly as his ears pin back. He glances around at the bright colors of Heaven... it's just too Happy for him...

    "That's what you get for living in warm temperatures your entire existence" Lucifer smirks as Alastor flips him off. Lucifer flips him off as well before pointing to a large palace. "There's where we're heading! Come on, let's go!" He begins to run as the other three start to run after him as well.

    "I can't run right now! I didn't sleep at all last night!" Vaggie pants, keeping up to Lucifer.

    "Yeah! Sorry about that!" Lucifer groans. He may or may not have accidentally broken a wall last night from stress. And then lit the rubble from said wall on fire. And then the fire started to spread. Eventually they put it out, but at the cost of no one in the hotel getting sleep. They reach the gate of the Palace and Lucifer waves at the guard, it's still the same on from when he was here. The guard smiles ever so slightly and flips through the book of who was supposed to be coming in today, the only name is Lucifer Morningstar. The guard open the gates and allows the four of them in. "Where's the meeting room?" Lucifer asks before entering. The guard hands him a projection of directions that go to the meeting. Lucifer nods before following Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor. He follows the projection to a T and knocks on the door it says that should be the meeting room.

    "Come in" A voice echos. Lucifer hears the voice and starts to tear up. Alastor places a hand on his shoulder and Lucifer wipes his tears away and opens the door. In the room, in a U table with the eight Archangels seated at it. There is also a table with three seats in front of the U table. The four people walk in the room and examines everything and everyone in it.

    "Why is there four people and I don't recognize two of them? We believed it would just be Lucifer, Lilith, and their daughter." Michael raises an eyebrow.

    "Lilith isn't really... uhm... she isn't really in the picture anymore" Lucifer places a hand on the back of neck, looking uncomfortable.

    "You're still wearing your ri-" Jophiel starts before Raphael places his hand on Jophiel's face.

    "Then why are the other two here?" Michael questions, ignoring what's happening next to him.

    "Well you said bring my family so I brought my family! These two are my daughters and this is... Alastor" Lucifer groans as he says Alastor.

    "Can you please explain the battle of Extermination day to us?" Uriel says, brushing over Lucifer's former statement.

    "I'll leave that to Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor because they were there for the entire battle. Oh wait! Alastor got his ass whooped!"

    "At least I didn't wait until my Daughter was about to die to show up"

    "I'm gonna wipe that shit eating grin off your face"

    "Your gonna need a stool~"


    "That's a low blow" A laugh track sounds in the background


    "DADS! Can you please stop fighting? We are Kinda at a meeting" Charlie scolded. The archangels all stare in awe at the sight of a SINNER fighting with the KING OF HELL. They both immediately shut up and take a seat at the table as Charlie and Vaggie step to the front. As Charlie and Vaggie start to explain, Lucifer starts to zone out, like completely out. Alastor pokes Lucifer slightly, and Lucifer snaps out of it.

"Pay attention, dear" Alastor whispers

"Sorry... it's just a lot harder seeing them again... well more than I imagined" Lucifer whispers back with a sigh. Alastor nods slightly before going back to paying attention to Charlie and Vaggie's speaking. Johpiel leans towards Azrael.

"They 100% have sexual tension" she whispers and nod towards the two men. Azrael covers his mouth to avoid bursting into laughter. Jophiel leans to her other side, or towards Raphael and says the same thing. Raphael also covers his mouth as his eyes widen. Michael glances at the three before turning back to his nieces. Michael starts to zone out as well. It's weird the lieutenant didn't mention the other girl. Hmmm. And who is Alastor? Ugh, I'll ask Luci later. Michael blinks, bringing him out of his daydream.

"And then my dad comes in to fight Adam! Well mostly he just dodges him and annoys the hell out of him but he ended up punching him a good couple times! And then he gave him mercy, but Niffty kinda sorta stabbed him in the back... multiple times..." Charlie finishes her story.

"That was quite the story of events, dear. But from what I got from when I check Adam's halo, that is all correct" Gabriel nods.  "I believe we should have a quick break, yes?" He suggests. Charlie nods.

"Can I speak to Lucifer alone before we take a break?" Michael asks, staring at his little brother. Raphael nods. Michael stands up and waits for Lucifer to follow. Lucifer begrudgingly follows after some reassurance from Alastor. They both walk to the small side room.

"What do you wa-" Lucifer gets cut off by a hug from Michael. Lucifer stands there in shock for a moment before hugging his brother back.

"I missed you" Michael states after a moment. He pulls away from Lucifer's grasps. "Now... I recognize the blond girl as your daughter, whom is the other two?" Michael raises an eyebrow as he clasps his hands together.

"My daughter's name is Charlie. The other girl is her girlfriend, Vaggie, so basically my other daughter! And Alastor, ugh, is like Charlie's other dad. Not my choice by the way! I tolerate him at best! I don't like him at all!" Lucifer crosses his arms.

"I overheard Jophiel saying that you two have a looooott of sexual tension" Michael is already back to teasing his little brother, just like before his fall. "Just saying" He smirks slightly

"Shut it!" Lucifer groans. He gets a message on his phone, he takes it out of his pocket and opens the message. It's from Beelzebub, the one Lucifer asked to watched over the hotel. It's a picture of her with Angel, Husk, Niffty, and Cherri. The message attached to it reads: Your friends are the best! Lucifer smiles before putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Alright. How about you go back to your family?" Michael suggests. Lucifer nods, clearly wanting to say something else but is biting his tongue. Michael opens the door for Lucifer, Lucifer walks over to the others as Michael ushers the other Archangels into the room for discussion.

"Damn, I need a nap." Lucifer admits. He snaps and the seats become a couch. Charlie's eyes sparkle as she plops down on the couch with Vaggie.

"Shouldn't you wait until we're back in hell?" Alastor inquires, his ear twitching.

"Ehhhh, it's fine" Lucifer sits down on the couch. Alastor groans. Lucifer usually could not sleep for his life, but something about Heaven can make him fall asleep right away. He immediately falls asleep, his head falls over and lands on Alastor's shoulder. Alastor's eyes twitch as he stares at the smaller man. He glances at Charlie and Vaggie, whom are passed out already. Alastor groans and just gives up on all protest as his ears pin back. Alastor closes his eyes for a moment and feels... tired? He hasn't slept since he got here in hell! That's new! Alastor keeps his eyes shut and falls asleep for the first time in about 90 years. Meanwhile, with the archangels...

"Are you sure Gabriel?" Raphael raises an eyebrow

"100%, that's the truth and nothing but the truth. We can trust them, I'm sure" Gabriel nods with a small smile

"If you say so. What shall we discuss with them now?" Azrael questions, his hands clasped together.

"I want to know about our niece's lil' hotel" Michael states calmly

~ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚~

Words: 1429

Heyyyy! Yes, the title is a reference to "Heaven 2 Hell" (the song), it was my first introduction into the Hazbin community so thought it would be silly to include a reference. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment!
-Sylveon (╹◡╹)♡

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