Chapter One: Meeting with the High Seraphim

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✜ Current day ✜

Ever since Lucifer's fall, the Archangels have barely been seen. Michael for one, could only be found in his study or on his balcony unless he has something important. Gabriel flies up to Michael's balcony, low and behold, he's there.

"We've been asked to attend a meeting by the high seraphim." Gabriel shows Michael the golden paper that was given to him. Michael reads it over, his eyes land on "Lucifer". His faces turns to one of worry. Did his brother do something bad? Is he okay? Or maybe he did something reckless? He ignores it and fixes his face.

"A meeting? We haven't been called to one of those since the crusades" Michael jokes slightly. Gabriel shrugs and reads over the paper again.

"Must be something really important then" Gabriel reads it for the third time since he landed on Michael's balcony. "It does involve Lucifer and some..." He does a double take on the paper "... hotel?" Gabriel raises an eyebrow. His face contorts into confusion. "What does hotel have to do with Luci? Did he open a hotel? No no, that's not his style... hmmm" Gabriel talks to himself

"Let's just go to the meeting and find out" Michael says to the brown haired man. Gabriel nods and the paper disappears, both of them flap their wings and start to fly to the Seraphim's palace. A few Winners gawk in pure amazement at the angels flying above. They land at the doors of the palace, when they open them they're greeted by six Archangels of the other 7 archangels. Leo, the archangels is currently on earth for something so he is not present. There is obviously a bit of tension in the group, so they stay silent as they walk to the meeting room.  The room is set up in a U, the lower ranking angels are at the ends of the U while the higher ranks are more toward the base of the U. The archangels take their place at the base, Michael is in the middle surrounded by his siblings on both sides. Sera, the high seraphim stand in the middle of the U. She has the crystal ball with her, so she must have something to show the room.

"Thank you all for coming. We have had a... situation recently, regarding the Extermination." Sera pauses for a moment as she glances around the room. Everyone knows about the extermination now, except the archangels. Gabriel leans towards Michael.

"Whats the extermination?" He asks, assuming Michael must know due to being powerful. Michael shrugs as he gives a quick glance to Raphael. Raphael shakes his head in response. He raises his hand and Sera looks at him.

"What is this "extermination" you speak of?" Raphael questions. Sera shifts slightly as she summons a picture on the crystal ball. It's of hell, and there's blood everywhere... and angels. Raguel and Chamuel cover their mouths at the sight, Uriel and Jophiel's face contort at the sight, Gabriel gasps, Raphael eyes widen, Azrael stays silent, and Michael stares in pure horror. They quickly compose themselves as Sera starts to explain.

"The extermination was an event once a year where Adam, the first man, and his army of exorcists fly down to hell and... killed Sinners as population control. It has been in place for centuries and was, as stated before, an annual event... until the most recent extermination, which had to be moved up six months. But we had good reason! An angel was found dead in hell" Sera confessed. Jophiel looks like she's about to give Sera a piece of her mind for making a decision without consulting the Archangels first. Michael notices this and starts to speak

"You should not have made the decision to start this extermination without consulting us, Sera" Michael starts "And, this recklessness lead to a death if one of our own. We will discuss your punishment after the meeting." Michael continues. Sera nods as she looks at the floor. 

"You said an angel was killed? How?" One of the less powerful angels asks. Sera looks at the angel and changes the image on the crystal ball.

"Adam wasn't very careful when it came to cleaning up the leftover weapons. A demon collected these weapons and sells them or makes new weapons with the steel. We are unsure of who originally killed this angel, but it was certainly killed by someone" She explains. She waits for more questions, but there are none so she continues. "Before the last extermination, Hell had never fought back." Sera glances at a woman with a missing arm and they walk to the front of the room. "This is Lieutenant Lute. Please recount the details of what happened last extermination day, lieutenant" Sera goes to her seat next to her fellow Seraphim, Emily.

"During the last extermination, the "Hazbin Hotel" fought against us. This hotel is run by Lucifer's Brat and some sinners. They used angelic weapons against us when we attacked their hotel. Lucifer broke his contract and fought against Adam and killed him" Lute says, throwing Adam's dead halo on the table in front of the archangels, at this Michael's hallucinations kick in and the halo becomes Lucifer's dead halo. Michael shakes his head to get rid of this as he repeats every word that Lute had said in his head. His eyes widen at "Lucifer's Brat", his brother has a child? How?

"Lucifer has a child? That should be impossible" Chamuel says before Michael even opens his mouth. Lute glances at the archangels, she change the picture in the crystal ball to Charlie during the fight against exorcists. Some of the archangels smile slightly, she is a splitting image of their brother. They quickly go back to their deadpan expression.

"You didn't know?" Lute uttered in shock. The archangels stay silent. Gabriel picks up the halo and cups his hands slightly, the halo starts to float and glow gold, Gabriel's eyes glow the same color with a slight reflection. He places the halo down, knowing Lute has lied about Adam's death.

"Can we see the contract?" Gabriel mutters. Sera nods and a golden paper appears in his hands. Michael and Jophiel glances over the paper in Gabriel's hand. Lute stares, fidgeting with her wing. "Lute and Adam broke the contract first" Gabriel accuses. Michael and Jophiel look up at Gabriel was he says this with an eyebrow raised. "Lute killed a hellborn dragon, and then Adam attacked Lucifer's daughter whom is hellborn. By breaking the contract, this would give Lucifer permission to fight back" He concludes. "One last thing, Adam was killed by a sinner, lieutenant, not Lucifer" Gabriel sends a spark at the crystal ball, causing a picture of a dead Adam with a sinner stabbing him in the back.

"But- I- I saw Lucifer! I swear-" Lute stutters before getting cut off by Azrael

"Are you doubting your superiors, lieutenant?"

"No, your majesty..." Lute stares at the ground. Sera goes back to the front of the room and Lute walks back to her seat. The archangels gives each other glances.

"Can we have time to discuss a course of action, High Seraphim?" Uriel asks. Sera nods a quickly goes back to her seat

"WAIT!" Emily springs out of her seat. She gets a sudden realization of what she did, but it's too late to turn back. "Charlie, Lucifer's daughter is redeeming in her hotel! We have evidence it works!" Emily announces.

"Emily" Sera cautions

"No! She has redeemed a sinner! His name is Sir Pentious! Redemption is possible!" Emily proclaims. The archangels stare at the younger Seraphim.

"May we see this redeemed sinner?" Raguel requested. Emily smiles and nods, she quickly rushes out of the room. Sera appears to be mumbling to herself as she places a hand on her forehead. Emily rushes into the room, pulling a snake soul into the room as well

"Misssss Emily! I wassss just waiting for you to finissssh the meeting! No need to bring me to it!" The snake protests, but Emily pulls him to the front.

"This is Sir Pentious! The first redeemed sinner!" Emily states. Sir Pentious looks around the room of powerful angels and just simply waves. The archangels examine the soul quickly.

"We shall be discussing a plan of action, thank you" Raguel says. The Archangels all get up and form a circle.

"I want to speak to Lucifer and his family"

~ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚~

Words: 1429

Heyyyy! Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions please leave a comment!
-Sylveon (╹◡╹)♡

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