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First and foremost, I'd love to give a big shout out to my husband. Finance is something I had absolutely zero interest in before I met him. It was always something my dad, brothers, or guy friends had talked about. I would always tune out anything when it came to words like stocks, bonds, interest, etc. But my husband's passion for financial literacy and discipline in finances had inspired me to learn a ton about how it all worked. Plus, my husband is amazing and always deserves a special shout out.

And second, I wanted to give a special shoutout to the women who've taught me a lot about living in a society where things don't always go your way. Some were direct and others were indirect and probably had no idea the impact they had on me. Either way, I am very grateful.

Lastly, a big shout out to you for reading this book all the way to the end! YOU ARE SERIOUSLY AMAZING!! Your reads, votes, and comments mean so much to me and pushed me to keep going even when I doubted myself. I hope you enjoyed this story and if you did, please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top, consider doing one of the following: sharing it on your message board, letting me know your overall thoughts, or going back and voting on all chapters. This writing world is hard to break into, and so any support, however small, adds up and can help me so much!!

Love you all!


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