chapter 3

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(📝Uhuhuuhuhhhhhhhh im so tireddddd)

Danials POV:-

I sat at my seat in physics class , and just my luck. Billy planted himself next to me.
I'm afraid I might be the test subject for physics class.

Sunny is laughing, well not really but .he is , in his head.
I'm sure of it.
I can see that billy was still mad as he sat next to me.
So I just didn't say anything and waited till the bell rang.
And when it did I got out of there as quick as possible.
To the point where sunny said I sprinted out of there like my ass was on fire.

I was with my gang (🙉) David and Antonio.
Now I got history wit those two.
Those two were like my hoes
Those two were like my bitches
I mean I'm pretty sure there was a point in my life where we all peed together.

Rose and reggina have gotten popular around the girls since they have great taste and a good sense of style. and among the guys, probably bcs of their looks idk

Sunny..? Man idk where he is.
That dudes weird.
he's probably peeing on a squirrel or sum shit rn idfk.
(He was his little friend group full of weirdos)

now my boy anton he was the shit frfr
He had his boom box and was blasting songs, and he actually got suspended once or twice bc of that, but he's still grinding
Back stronger than ever.

(📝 ight ima stop talking like a wanna b gangsta, I'm Brazilian.)
We all sat at our table just talking when anton brought up something
"So uh I heard they're bringing back prom after not having one for 5 years straight. "

"Whattt? About time. " Dave said
"It's not like you guys have dates to go with to prom anyway" I said

"Yeah but at least we get to experience prom" Dave replied

"True" Anton agreed
I scoffed but was kinda curious about the whole prom thing.

Let me rewind and tell you what happened 5years ago at prom in gay fucks high school.
That got prom banned from our school for 5 while years
Well from what I heard.
Someone committed arson burning down the whole prom building.
Ofc a lot of kids died. But yk shit goes on.
There were guns involved and all of that.

But now guess prom is back.
It didn't matter anyway since it was still like 2 months away?

The bell rang and I had to part ways with the boys.
At last.

I had gym next which meant id be with rose reg and sunny.
『••time skip••』
I was in the changing room , getting into my gym cloths, blue shirt and black shorts.
I saw sunny in there too.

He was shirtless with only a towel on his lower body.
"He's such a show off" I muttered to myself.
"What's wrong? " a voice said from behind me

I jumped turned around
But he was just over there...
"What? " I said startled
"You were checking out my abs" sunny raised an eyebrow
"You wish, you manwhore" I scoffed in his face
"I'm not stopping you, take a look at my 9 pack" he said flexing
"That's barely a 6 pack" I said

"You counted? " sunny raised an eyebrow
"So you were looking" he said with a laugh

"You're such a douche! " I spat , I really wasn't in the mood.
"Okay okay, calm downnnn" sunny said.
I rolled my eyes and took my bottle and headed out of the changing room towards the gym.
"Your boxers are showing" sunny called out with a grin
"Why we're you checking out my ass? " I said with a glare as I dropped my shorts a little to piss him off

"It's hard to ignore the spiderman boxers man" he shrugged
"Fyi spiderman is a boss" I rolled my eyes finally fixing my shorts.

I have standards yk I'm not gonna show up w my spiderman boxers showing to the whole school?

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