chapter 1

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⚠️cute little warning 🤏⚠️
There ARE racial slurs, racist jokes, and homophobic jokes in whatever this is

If you get offended easily do not continue reading⚠️

⚠️this is the first and last warning ⚠️

⚠️if you are a faggot. Do not read⚠️

⚠️the writer is not racist nor are they a bad person.( Istg I'm so nice) ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ⚠️

⚠️turn away before it's too late⚠️

Too late

Let's starts :3 🌸

Rose's pov:

I recently moved to California and was looking forward to start a fresh day at my new high school? Okay that was a lie but I have to be positive right. I had no idea what American schools were like but one thing for sure, they're not as mean as the schools in France and definitely less stricter.
I put on a short white dress with revealing shoulders and let my brunette hair down, for the first day gotta make a good first impression.

My first day at Gray Husks American High school? sounds like Gay Fucks. Anyway,

I walked through the school gates and was immediately greated by a couple making out intensely "great" I murmured walking to the principals office to grab my schedule and locker keys.

As I head to my locker, a boy riding a skate board came rushing through the hall way highfiving the stand-bys.

Everyone seemed to be cheering for him, but it seemed he was running away from someone too. I turned towards my locker again stashing my stuff in there when I felt a heavy push on my back as someone had bumped into me.

I kept my balance "what the fuuu-" he almost said ,the skate bored stumbled back and he landed on his, ahem..mearbottom (💀) ,

the boy scoffed before he looked up at me .He seemed to have a confused expression when he saw my face, "im so sorry-" I tried to say even though it was clearly not my fault.
he quickly stood up and looked back. Hovering over him was a big guy ,clearly pissed.

"Alright listen I'm sure there's a better way to solve this,i don't condom violence.." the boy gulped nervously . In a matter of seconds the guy threw a punch at the boy shoving him to the locker. I closed my own locker door and backed away eyes a bit wide, as they fought.

The fight ended rather quickly with the big guy clearly winning until he got sent to the principals office, leaving the boy rested his head against the locker sitting on the ground, his lip clearly busted "ouch" I whispered.

Imagine my surprise, when the boy got up and students started cheering for him as if he's won? He was clearly enjoying the attention as everyone high Fived him

The boy turned to me and held his hand up for a high five, it took me a few seconds to comprehend before I actually high Fived him, (that was the most awkward high five of my life)

His lip was badly busted and blood was litterly dropping on the ground from his bottom lip. I scrunched my nose a bit handing him a tissue and pointing at my own lip gesturing for him to look at his own ( I have no idea why I didn't talk)

He just stood there like an idiot, like I murdered his family or something

We stood there awkwardly for a bit before I turned the other way heading to my class . Which I have totally forgotten I had by now.

When I reached class I started looking for a seat, my eyes scanned the room.

There were 2 empty seats,
The choice was mine ..

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