Chapter 99

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After 90% affection, the time during which Fan Yuan’s kiss could keep Gu Yang awake gradually increased again, slowly returning to the point where a light kiss could keep Gu Yang awake for about a day.

After learning about this “h*ll mode” affection mechanism, Gu Yang couldn’t contain his feelings of love and fondness for Fan Yuan any longer.

Every time Fan Yuan kissed him awake, Gu Yang would express his love repeatedly, in a soft yet firm voice.

Fan Yuan always responded with a deep kiss or a long hug, his black eyes growing deeper and deeper, making it hard to decipher his thoughts.

After reaching 90% affection, until the end of May, when the high school seniors were about to leave the school, Fan Yuan’s affection for Gu Yang didn’t increase by a single point.

However, Gu Yang wasn’t worried at all. He knew Fan Yuan was cautious, and he understood Fan Yuan’s nature. He had already become the most important person in Fan Yuan’s life, so there was no need to rush things.

Fan Yuan’s guarded nature was deeply rooted, and this last bit of caution wasn’t something that could easily disappear.

Gu Yang and Fan Yuan still maintained their daily study routine. Every time Gu Yang unintentionally fell asleep, Fan Yuan would kiss him awake and Gu Yang would affectionately express his love to him, repeatedly and persistently.

Although Gu Yang could now stay awake for about a day, he still took Fan Yuan to the storage room during each lunch break, hiding behind the curtains and stealing kisses. He did this not for any particular reason but simply because he wanted to kiss Fan Yuan, to kiss him at every moment.

Finally, the last day of May arrived, and on this day, the school canceled their evening self-study session.

When the school bell rang, the sky outside the window was still blue, but the classroom remained still, with no one moving.

Whether it was Zhuo Wan or the other students sitting at their desks, everyone kept their heads down or occasionally glanced around, but no one spoke or stood up to leave.

The atmosphere grew heavier, and it was Zhuo Wan who broke the silence first.

“Let’s go, why are we just sitting here without packing up? Let’s go home.”

As Zhuo Wan spoke, the sound of rustling and packing could be heard in the classroom.

In the days leading up to this, they had gradually taken their personal belongings from the classroom to their homes. Now, with everything packed up, each student’s desk was clean, as if the three years they spent together had vanished in an instant.

After packing, the students still didn’t move. They sat in their seats, holding their backpacks, looking at each other with determination, hesitation, nervousness, and reluctance in their eyes.

Zhuo Wan stood up, walked to the classroom door, and opened it. She looked at the dozens of classmates she had been with day and night for the past three years, her eyes slightly red.

“Let’s go, everyone, just leave. I… I’ll see you off.”

The student closest to the door stood up first, head lowered, and walked to the door. Zhuo Wan gave him a hug.

“Cheer up, go home and get in the right state of mind. Good luck in the college entrance examination!”

Slowly, one by one, the students stood up and walked toward the door.

Zhuo Wan hugged each and every one of them, saying “Good luck in the college entrance examination” to each person.

Gu Yang walked up to Zhuo Wan and silently accepted her hug.

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