7| attack!

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The sun was setting as they prepared to drive back home after a long picnic

"is everything fine brother?" Giana looked at his brother, who looked a bit tensed up

"yeah sissy.. everything is fine"

Dante pov

How the fuck did I forget that some rivals have been spying on us and dad had informed us about it. A few days back, we had received a letter which stated about the lurking danger to our family. I was so engrossed in spending time with her that I totally forgot about it.

"I don't think so brother. Tell me."

"actually we had received a letter."

"oh! I know about that."


"Zephyr told me about that. Brother, I am grown up and I know how to protect myself. You don't have to worry about me at all. I am safe."

"I know"

tension hung heavy in the air as they both knew that they were always targets for their rivals.

As they drove through the busy city streets, the siblings kept a sharp eye out for any signs of danger. Though the whole family was always worried about Giana's well being, they also knew how powerful and bold she was. She wasn't a shy and scared girl. She had dealt with many wrong things at a young age which had made her more confident. however, Giana inside new that even if she tried to remain strong, her past trauma had overpowered always.

However, the unexpected always loomed in the shadows, waiting to strike when they least expected it.

As they neared their home, a sudden sense of unease washed over them. The streets seemed deserted, and the usual bustle of activity was conspicuously absent. It was then that they heard the first gunshot.

"GIANA!" he looked at her bleeding arm.

"I-I am fine..ahhh!"

Without a moment's hesitation, he slammed on the brakes and swerved the car to a stop. Through the tinted windows, they could see a group of masked figures emerging from the shadows, armed to the teeth and intent on causing harm. The siblings exchanged a quick glance, their eyes conveying a silent understanding of the danger they were facing.

"Stay down, sissy," Dante whispered to Giana as he reached for the gun tucked in his waistband. He opened the car door and stepped out into the line of fire, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to face their attackers head-on.

The masked figures wasted no time in opening fire, bullets whizzing past Dante as he ducked and weaved, returning fire with deadly accuracy. His years of training and experience in the criminal underworld had honed his instincts to a razor-sharp edge, and he fought with a cold determination that belied the chaos of the situation.

Meanwhile, Giana had managed to find cover behind the car, clutching her bleeding arm as she watched the brutal scene unfold. Despite the searing pain, she knew that she had to hold her own until brother could eliminate the threat and ensure their safety.

The gunfire seemed to echo endlessly in the night, the acrid scent of gun smoke filling the air as Dante and their attackers engaged in a deadly dance of violence. Blood was spilled, shouts and curses mingling with the harsh sound of gunfire as the siblings fought for their lives.

And then, finally, it was over. Dante stood victorious, his gun still smoking as he surveyed the aftermath of the confrontation. The masked figures lay motionless on the ground, their weapons dropped and forgotten as the reality of their defeat sunk in.

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