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Giovanna's pov: After I apologized to Katherine, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but her mood Changing even the slightest towards me makes me feel like absolute shit.

I've never felt like this about anyone before. I never really cared whether or not someone was upset with me, but with her, I felt a sting in my chest. And my mind gets loud with overthinking thoughts. Even though I barely know her, I have the fear of losing her.

It's all very overwhelming.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Shiloh, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Nothing," I replied with a sigh. She lifted a brow and gave me a look that said Do you think I'm stupid?" She then hummed and squinted her eyes.

"Are you fucking stupid? I know when you're lying. Who do I have to stab?" She questioned, aggressively crossing her arms on her chest. "Calm down, no one did anything," I said lowering her arms. "Okay, then why do you look so depressed?" She asked laughing.

"Okay one, what the fuck does that mean? And two no one did anything I was the one who fucked up." I said expressing myself with my hands.
Her brows furrowed; as she stuffed her mouth with hot Cheetos. "You never own up to your actions, must be bad." She remarked.

I rolled my eyes playfully taking a bite of my food and just shook my head.
"Okay so, remember that history project?" I asked covering my mouth with my hand while chewing. "Obviously." She replied.

"Well, that night when Katherine came over to my house; long story short I kissed her. And it made things kinda awkward. The whole night, she avoided eye contact. And when she was finally leaving, she was in such a rush to get out of there." I explained.

"Well, what happened after? Did you apologize?" She asked, taking another bite. "Yeah, this morning actually, and things went well she was acting normal. then she said that things were fine between us." I said, slowing down my rambling.

"Okay, so why are you so stressed out?" She asked with a small laugh.
"Because she might say everything's fine, but what if she hates me now?" I explained, growing anxious.

"Calm down, Gio, everything's going to be okay. How about you ask her to hang out as a makeup for what happened?"
Shiloh suggested, a huge excited smile growing on her face.

"Oh no, that's going to be so fucking awkward!" I hesitantly exclaimed.
"Bro come on, You're such a pussy when it comes to her." She said teasingly.

"I'm not a pussy, I just don't think it would be very entertaining; That's all."
I stated fidgeting with my hands.
"Wait a minute, you totally have a thing for her, Giovanna!" She said excitedly, clapping her hands together with a huge smile on her face.

My face turned red with a small smile creeping on my face. "Stop, it's nothing like that." I said. I honestly was unsure about my feelings for Katherine. I mean, being with her made me feel some type of way that I've only ever felt once before with another girl, but I doubt it's anything other than curiosity about her.

I mean, it's been so long since I've actually been in love with a girl. After my last relationship, I got hurt so bad that you could say I practically turned into a "player." I don't necessarily think
That hurting girls is something good, I just don't care enough about them to actually acknowledge my actions.

But with Katherine, it's different. And it's making my head hurt from how much she's in my mind. The simple thought of an interaction I've had with her makes me go weak. Her smile, hair, laugh, voice, face, body, ass. It all makes me feel like she's all I'm ever supposed to give attention to. She's so perfect.

"Shut up, I've seen the way you look at her. I thought it was impossible considering you're only care in this sad world for sex and money. But, now that I pay attention to you whenever it is that she's mentioned, I can definitely say you aren't such a cold hearted bitch."

She said, with a sass in her voice.

"Okay, I'm a bit offended, but I don't know it's all too overwhelming. I haven't felt this way for a girl since you know who, And it's a bit hurtful that im feeling this way with someone who isn't her." I said, sulking in rumination.

"Gio, it's been months almost a year. I think it's time you let her go and let in this new opportunity to find love again."
She said with a soft look in her eyes.

Sophomore year, I didn't think there'd be an after my now ex-girlfriend. I mean, I really loved her. After her leaving me without an explanation, then getting with a boy and claiming she's "straight." I lost all interest. But it definitely still hurt, especially considering I have to see them in the halls every day now.

"Nah, I'm off that it's just embarrassing that I put so much effort and love into that relationship, and now she's off sucking some dudes dick." I said disgust growing In my voice.

"Fuck her gio you hiding you're feelings and not acknowledging them is only hurting you and it won't make her stop sucking Josh's dick." She said earning a laugh from me. "You're so stupid." I said calming down.

"Whatever, anyways, so are you going to ask her to hang out?" She asked hopefully. I thought for a moment, she's right. I can't let myself just never give love another shot.

"Yeah fuck it." I said taking a sip of my sprite.

"Hell yeah, my best friend is getting a new bae!" She yelled excitedly, hugging me. "Calm down. We're just going to hang out. Besides, we don't even know if she's going to say yes." I said reasonably.

"You're so lame, No wonder the girl left your house so fast. I doubt it was even because of the kiss." She said playfully, hitting my shoulder. "Fuck you." I said laughing eating my burger. "You wish."

1049 words.

Sorry for the late update. I've been very busy, but I'd like to thank you guys for over 800 reads I appreciate you all alot.

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