Chapter 45

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Hazel POV

Exiting the doctor's office, Chloe and I were in a silent contemplation mode. I could sense Chloe's worry, but it seemed like she was keeping it to herself, processing everything as much as I was.

As we strolled down the hall, a voice called my name. I turned to find Dr. Anderson approaching.

"Oh, hi," I greeted, and he walked up to me.

"Hey, Hazel, can I talk to you?" he asked.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me," Chloe said.

"Sure, let's go to my office," Michael suggested.

We entered his office and settled down. "What's up, Michael?" I inquired.

"Remember I saw you heading to the doctor's office the other day? Well, I know your doctor, and I also know his specialization. I was concerned and, I know I had no right, but I took a look at your medical chart, and—"

"Michael, you had no right," I cut him off.

"I'm sorry, Hazel. I just wanted to know if I could do something for you," he said.

"This is my business, Michael. You have no business sticking your nose where it doesn't concern you," I retorted, a bit upset. "But thanks for caring. Just please don't do anything else behind my back," I added, and he smiled at me.

"I won't, I promise. I do have a question. Is it Aiden's?" he asked, and I sighed.

"Yes, Michael," I replied.

"What do you plan on doing? You really should start your chemo and radiation treatment as soon as possible," he suggested.

"I'm going to wait until after the baby is born to get treated," I replied.

"What? Hazel, that can be very dangerous for you. We don't know how fast the cancer can spread, especially since you've had it before," Michael warned.

"It doesn't matter. My baby comes first," I asserted.

"But, Hazel. You can die, and so can your baby!" Michael exclaimed, and I flinched. "You should treat yourself first and then consider having another baby."

I was instantly furious. "Okay, I'm done here. Bye, Michael," I said angrily, heading towards the door.

"No, Hazel. I'm sorry. It's just I really care about you. I say the stupidest things. Please, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about what's going to happen to you," he apologized with a sad smile.

"I'm going to be okay. So is my baby. Thanks for worrying about me, but I can take care of myself," I replied.

"I know you can. I just want to help," he said.

"I should go; Chloe is waiting for me," I replied.

"Let me walk you downstairs," Michael offered.

"You don't have to," I replied.

"Please, Hazel," he insisted. I decided I had no energy to fight, so I simply nodded, and we quietly made our way to meet Chloe outside the hospital.

"Everything okay?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, I was just letting Hazel know I'm here for her if she needs anything. Anything at all," Michael assured her.

"You know?" Chloe asked Michael, and he nodded.

"Okay, I think we should head home. We have a lot of packing to do," I suggested.

"Wait, why are you guys packing?" Michael asked.

"We're moving," Chloe replied.

"Why? Is everything okay? Anything I can do?" He asked.

"Actually, yes. Do you by any chance know of an apartment available? We just decided to move and technically don't have a place yet," Chloe asked.

"Chloe, Michael here is very busy, and I'm sure—" I began.

"Why don't you two move in with me? I have a big two-bedroom apartment. If you'd like, I can stay in the living room, and you two can each take a bedroom," Michael offered.

"What, no," I replied.

However, at the same time, Chloe said, "Yes." I turned to Chloe. "Chloe, it's Michael's apartment, and—"

"And because it's Michael's apartment, we can share a room while we find a better option. You know how hard it is to find a good apartment here in the city. This can be temporary while we get a place, and since Michael is a doctor, he can help us if you need anything," Chloe said.

"No, I don't think—" I tried to say.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Hazel. I told you I wanted to help you. Please stay with me for a little while, just until you two find a place," Michael replied.

"I don't know," I replied.

"Come on, Hayz. Do you really want to keep living in our apartment complex?" Chloe said.

"I guess you're right, Chlo," I turned to Michael. "I suppose if it isn't too much trouble."

"Not at all," Michael said, smiling at me.

"We would just have to reach an agreement to pay you rent..."

"That's not necessary. I own the apartment, so I don't have to pay rent," Michael replied.

"No, I still think..." I tried to say.

"We can talk about that later. I actually have to head back to the hospital. If you'd like, I can stop by tomorrow and help you two move," Michael replied.

"I actually have that covered. I already called a moving company," Chloe replied.

"How? We just talked about it today?" I asked Chloe.

"I texted my mom. You know how she is. She was happy to help. She hired a moving company; however, she said she couldn't find us a place so quickly and suggested we stay at a hotel in the meantime. But thankfully, Michael here offered us a place to stay," Chloe replied.

"My apartment is fully furnished, however, you're welcome to bring anything you'd like," Michael replied.

"I suppose we only need to take out essentials. The rest we can leave in the apartment until we find a new place," Chloe replied.

"It's up to you two. Whatever is fine by me. I have to go, but I'll call you, Hazel," Michael said as he walked up to me and surprised me by giving me a hug. "I'll see you two later," he said.

"Bye," I replied as he walked away.

After Michael walked away, Chloe turned to me. "Hazel Hart, when are you going to realize this perfect man is in love with you?"

"Chloe, he's just a friend, and he's trying to be supportive. You know I don't like him that way. He's just a friend, and with everything that's going on right now, I just couldn't..." I said as my voice broke.

"I know, Hayz. I won't press the subject any further, but I wish you could see the way Michael looks at you," Chloe said, but I remained silent as we made our way back to our apartment.

We arrived at the parking lot and made our way inside our building. We entered the elevator and were waiting for the door to close. As we were waiting, I heard a "Hazel, wait. I want to talk to you" from across the room; my eyes grew wide, knowing who that was.

"Oh, hell no. Stay the hell
away from Hazel," Chloe said as she hurriedly pressed the close door button on the elevator.

I could feel my heartbeat accelerating, but thankfully the elevator door closed before Aiden could reach it.

"I swear, who the hell does that asshole think he is?" Chloe said, but I just kept silent, doing my best not to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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