Chapter 19

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Aiden POV

After Hazel and I left the restaurant, I received a message from Spencer. He informed me that he and some other friends were at a night club and threatened to show up at our apartment if I didn't join them. Dealing with drunk people wasn't something I was in the mood for, so reluctantly, I agreed to meet them at the club.

Entering the club, I made my way towards the VIP area. A few girls glanced my way, but I wasn't interested. Spotting Spencer and a few of our college buddies, I approached them.

"Hey," I greeted Spencer, Ashton, and Thomas.

"What's up, man? Where were you?" Spencer asked.

"I told you, Alice got out of the hospital today," I replied, feeling slightly annoyed.

"Really? How is she doing, man?" Thomas inquired.

"It seems like she's doing a lot better," I informed them.

"That's awesome, man," Thomas responded.

"Yeah, but he made the stupid mistake of asking our dorky neighbor to accompany him," Spencer chimed in, annoying me further.

I don't know why, but I was growing increasingly irritated with Spencer. "Is she hot, though?" Ashton asked, trying to shift the conversation.

"No way in hell, dude. She's the complete opposite. I still don't understand why our friend here hired her as his secretary. He should have hired someone sexy," Spencer slurred. "Her roommate, though, is so sexy. She's a model. I don't know why she's friends with that dorky fat girl," he continued.

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a break from Spencer's comments. "I'm going to get a drink," I stated, walking away towards the bar.

"What? Is it something I said?" I overheard Spencer's voice as I distanced myself.

At the bar, I ordered a drink and as I waited, a girl approached me, whispering in my ear, "Hey, sexy, why don't we get out of here?"

I was usually the guy who would always say yes, but tonight, I just wasn't feeling it. "No thanks," I replied, causing her to look shocked.

"Your loss," she said in a slightly mad tone before walking away.

The bartender handed me my drink just as Spencer caught up to me.

"Man, did you just say no to that girl?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I wasn't in the mood," I replied, not elaborating further.

"What the hell? She was so fine, man. How could you say no?" Spencer questioned, perplexed. "Are you sick or something?"

"Or something," I muttered, not intending for him to hear.

"What? I didn't hear you!" he yelled over the loud music.

"Forget it, man. Hey, I'm going to get out of here. It's been a long day, and I'm not feeling it tonight," I said, feeling the need to escape.

"Dude, what the hell? You love going out and finding a nice little blonde to spend the night with. What's with you?" Spencer pressed, genuinely confused.

"I told you, man. I'm just not feeling it. I'll see you at the apartment," I replied, walking away and leaving him dumbfounded.

I shouldn't have come to the club tonight. Spencer's comments put me in a really bad mood. Before I arrived, I was actually in a good mood. I drove home and walked into my apartment, heading straight to bed.

I have to admit, Hazel made today better. I could tell Alice was sad when our parents weren't there to greet her after coming home from the hospital, but she instantly forgot because of Hazel. She made the tension just fo away.

I'm glad she forgave me. I no longer felt like a complete asshole. I'm also happy she agreed we could be friends. She really is completely different from anyone I've ever known. No wonder Alice is so fond of her, I thought right before I fell asleep.

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