Chapter 19

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Queen Emma's POV

I let out a loud sigh, slumping back into a chair and rubbed my forehead, trying to ease a raging headache forming from all the Alphas wanting to talk to me.

Yes I understand that this is the first time many have laid their eyes on me let alone meet me but I do wish that them do go just a little easy on me. I'm not used to talking to so many people.

"Looks like you're having a rough night." Turning my head, I saw my little brother, Theodore, sitting right across from me, looking bored. "Brother, it's a pleasure to see you. I thought you weren't coming."

He shrugged, thanking a maid that placed a cup of water in front of him before turning back to me. "I wasn't." He took a sip of his water. "But I found an omega wandering around in the halls and helped her. After that, you soon came and I stayed in the shadows, making sure no one decided to mess with you."

He ran his fingers thought his bright blond hair, avoiding making eye contact. I smiled, holding back a laugh. He was always protective over me.

"Are those Alphas bothering you?" He looked at me, eyes narrowed and dark. "Shall I dispose of them?" I looked at him nervously. "That won't be necessary, but thank you for the offer, brother."

Theodore stared at me for a moment before looking away. "If you say so." He took another sip. "By the way, you look ugly in that outfit."

I felt my eye twitched. "You're one to talk. You're proof that the goddess has a good sense of humor. You look like a rat more than a wolf." He glared at me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He scowled. "Everyone in the castle thinks I'm extremely charming."

I tilted my head, still smiling at Theo. "Please, you and the trash look like you could be related." He leaned forward. "I may be ugly, but I still look better than you." My eye twitched again, my headache getting worst.

"Why can't you leave me alone? I'm tired of looking at your unpleasant face. It makes me want to throw up."

Theo opened his mouth to say something else but stopped and turned his attention to something behind me. Hearing someone rushing around, I looked to see Eli dashing towards the Garden with Jane and the Sin of Sloth right on her tail.

Looking at Theo confused, we got up and followed after them. Ignoring the Alphas trying to talk to me.

Just as we made it outside, we heard the loudest, rage full growls that made everything fall silent. Without thinking twice, I ran over to where the growls came from. The smell of blood getting stronger as I got closer.

Immediately, I saw the Sin of Sloth on one knee, fist on the ground with the other on her leg, head bowed as she trembled.

Rushing to the sides of my mates, I saw Eli and Jane's eyes brightly glowing, a crazy look in their eyes. Nails shared and fangs out.

They were shaking in rage, letting out low growls and I can't blame them. The scene in front of me nearly caused me to do the same but I held back. Stopping my mates when they went to lunge at the boys.

Even though Jane was somewhat difficult to control, Eli was the one I was most worried about. She can control herself easy but she's not the demon queen for nothing.

"What is the meaning of this!?" The three teen boys, stared at us timidly, confused on what was going on while our precious mate laid at their feet. Blood pouring out of her wounds as her eyes were half open, looking ready to past out at any time. "Answer me!"

"We-we were just putting this omega back in her place, your majesty." The one in the middle said. I had to suppressed Moonlight when hearing that as she was ready to take control and rip these mutts to shreds. "Yeah! She was disrespecting us!"

I growled, eyes narrowed. I have to do this smart, I can't reveal that Alexandra is our mate. "Spilling blood in the Royal Garden is forbidden. As well as causing trouble during a celebration for the moon goddess. I could have your heads for this."

Their eyes widened, immediately dropping on their knees begging for mercy and forgiveness.

I heard over a dozen of guards make their way over to us. When they reached us, I didn't even look at them when I gave them an order. "Arrest them and throw 'hem in the dungeon. They shall be dealt with at a later date."

The guards rushed forward and grabbed the boys, dragging them as they screamed and cried. Ignored them, I hurried over to Alexandra and crouched down. Gently pulling her into my arms.

Turning around with the omega in my arms, getting blood on my clothes, Eli and Jane were still standing where I left them. Frozen in place as to control themselves.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Theo standing a good few feet. Which was a good idea since an angry Alpha will attack anyone close to them that weren't their mate. Seeing that as a threat.

"Theodore, call for the Royal Healer immediately." He bowed, "Your majesty." then quickly left.

Walking over to my mates, they stared down at us. "Let us go." They silently nod their heads, following close behind me as we left the Garden.


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