Chapter 11

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Alex's POV

"I don't understand why I have to attend this party." I cried, leaning back to avoid the makeup brush that Nini was holding. "First, it's a  celebration and second of all, why not? It'll be fun."

"Yeah, fun for you." I grumbled, yelping when I leaned back too far and fell to the ground. There was a small ache coming from my back but other than that, I was fine.

Sure I still had some buries from the Arthur and his lackeys but they were nearly gone now. Luckily I haven't run into those spawn of hell during these last three weeks of getting ready for the Royal Party.

They've been causing a loud ruckus around the entire pack about how they got invitations to go to said party and were going into the best of clothes.

Said best clothes were ridiculously expensive and ugly. The girls went to a human town to get their makeup down by a "professional". I saw the Luna looking stressed after everything was bought, she had dark bags under her eyes and looked liked she lost some weight. I think she's not coming.

Me, I don't like wasting money on clothes that I'm going to wear probably once in my lifetime so I'm wearing a long, light white dress that stopped at the middle of my thighs. It was a dress Nini's mom bought for her years ago but she never wore it.

Nini said that she didn't like it and it was kept in her closet for years until I was going though it and found the dress. I also found a white suit that looked nice but I can always wear that another time.

The dress also smelled a lot like Nini which is somewhat comforting. I'm also wearing small heels that won't be difficult to run in.

"Nini, I think that's enough makeup." Max laughed, cuddling into Harper who was on her phone, arm wrapped around her lover. Nini whined, saying something about Max ruining all her fun.

Turning my head, I saw Zack. Playing video games and still in his everyday clothes. "You're not coming, Zack?" He shook his head, not tearing his eyes off the TV. "Nah, I'm good. Parties aren't my thing." Well that's a surprise.

"Don't low ranking demons like parting?" I asked, sitting up. "They do, especially the young ones like Zack but he's an introvert." Nini explained, putting her makeup stuff away.

I stood up, dusting any dirt off my dress before grabbing my sat and plopping it on. "Harper is a demon too, right?" Zack nodded his head, "Yeah, she's a higher rank though."

A pillow immediately smacked the side of the head, causing Zack to lose focus and die. "What was that for!?" Harper put her arm back around Max, "For telling others my business."

"Not my fault Al forgot!" Zack looked away from the tv to look at the couple. "What are you laughing at, Fido!" Max stopped laughing, giving Zack an evil look. "What did you call me, you brute."

"I called you Fido since you're a dog that stands and walks on two legs!" Wheres Liz? She better get here before these gets worst.

"At least I'm not a low ranking incubus that's still a virgin in his teens." Max growled, showing her slowly growing canines as she slid out of Harper's embrace.

Zack growled back, eyes slightly glowing as he put down his controller as he stood up. "What'd you say to me." Max took a step forward, "I'd called you a "pure incubus"." These just got worst, you never call a demon pure.

"I'll kill you!" Zack launch forward, getting a good grip on Max's jacket and pinning her down against the floor, where she started to fight back.

I can't really call it fighting, they were just rolling around, trying to pin each other down. Max was kicking so I guess it was slightly physical.

They know better then actually fight each other, especially Zack since Fido's girlfriend was only a few feet away.

Things were getting knocked over and Nini had to jump onto the couch to avoid their roughhousing and to not get hurt.

Harper got off her phone and was watching them as the two slowly made it to the quiet corner where Ben was. His long, pointed ears twisted and he looked up from the book he was reading to see the storm making its way to him.

Without thinking twice, he grabbed his book and easily hopped out of his seat and jumped up onto the ceiling joist and continued to read there. Ignoring the world below.

After only a couple minutes of eating popcorn with Nini and watching the fight, most of the clubhouse was ruined. These got knocked down and broke, one bookshelf fell and books went everywhere, a table was on its side, and so much more.

When Liz and the hounds finally came back, they were shocked by the amount of destruction in the few minutes of them being gone.

Let's just say, all of us got a scolding by the true demon. Max and Zack had small bruises as they speedily cleaned up everything plus more.


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