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i couldn't bring myself to answer his any questions. My feelings for him was slowly dieing.

Why it has to be me ? , the only thought crossed my mind everytime.

The boy in my memory was far away from the man in front of me. The boy who console a crying boy and the man who forced himself on me was completely different.

Did i imagine it all wrong for all this time ?, i asked myself. But no answer was found.

Without any realization, i fall a sleep again beside him.

The boy who was ready to do everything for me was keeping silent. That was so unusual for me that it was making me frustrated.

I wanted me to speak with me. Even if the word is filled with hatred. But he wasn't even looking at me.

I could feel his body temperature even from a far. But i couldn't bring myself to touch him again.

Guilt ? Or frustration? , i didn't know. But the doctors word was so clear in my mind that i knew I've messed up real good this time.

Soon we reached his house. I tried to call for him but saw him sleeping like a baby.

His whole face was covered with dry tears. His pale skin was looking absolutely lifeless.

Why you had to do all of this barcode? Why couldn't you just stay like you always did ? , i asked in my mind. But couldn't bring myself to say all this.

Was this really all his fault?? , another question raised in my mind.

Of course, it is. If he didn't made that stupid cake or went to camping alone lying to us , i wouldn't become so angry.  I wouldn't even touch him if that wasn't the case. , i thought in my mind.

I was trying to convince myself in every was possible but something in my mind said i was wrong this time.

I was lost in my thought when i heard the car door open.

I tried to reach out to him and hold him but he didn't even let me come near to him.

Without even looking back he went inside and closed the door.

Everything was so odd and messy that i couldn't bring myself to get close to him anymore. After watching him getting inside i drove back to my home.

When i woke up in the car , i saw phi standing outside the car. He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even realize that i had woken up.

Everytime i was looking at him , the memory of the night was rushing into my mind.

I didn't even want to stay any close to him. I rushed to open the door when finally he looked at me and come close to me to help , but even in his kindness , i was feeling pathetic and miserable.

I didn't want to look at his face anymore. I went back into my house and closed the door. As soon as i closed the door, I heard the car going back.

You didn't even wait for me ....

Tears fall from my eyes. I couldn't control myself anymore. I broke into tears right Infront of the door.

His shoulders hunched and tears streaming down his cheeks, sits slumped against the doorframe, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. The weight of his emotions feels palpable as he clutch his knees to his chest, aching with a pain too deep to articulate.

The pain in his heart was unbearable. He couldn't speak to anyone. He wanted someone to hold him , and stay beside him but there was no one. The weight of his emotions threatened to suffocate him as he clutched her chest, gasping for air.

Memories of lost love and shattered dreams flooded his mind, tearing at his fragile resolve. With a choked sob, barcode sank to his knees, his body trembling with the intensity of his grief. He cried out, the sound raw and desperate, echoing in the empty room.

As the minutes stretched into eternity, the pain became too much to bear. Barcode's vision blurred, his head swimming with dizziness as darkness closed in around him. With one final, anguished cry, he collapsed against the door, his consciousness slipping away as he surrendered to the overwhelming agony of his broken soul.

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