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               So last night when I went to feed my dogs I had a fun shift. We microwave the dog food because our dogs a picky and spoiled, they get all crazy when they hear the microwave and when they started getting excited I had a pretty strong mental shift, I stared playing with them, and when the microwave beeped when the food was done I snapped out of it. 

               Friendly reminder that quads, shifts, gear, and vocals do not make a therian! This is the first mental shift I've had in a while, not all therians have shifts, and a therian doesn't even need to know their theriotype to be considered a therian! All of this stuff is really confusing so it's okay!

              I did just go on a walk outside, and it's been a while since I've actually done that (during daytime) because of how busy I've been, and then when I'm finally not busy it's too cold, so Yay.

            Last night remembered a dream, it wasn't a dream shift, but I still thought I should put it here because it was- idk how to explain it. I've just been having a lot of dreams surrounding my identity and the people I am close to.

 Do this is what happened:

I was chilling with my parents at an aquarium (I think) and my mom accidentally called out "Jase?" Instead of Jess when she was calling for me, and I turned around to her. "Jase?" I asked. "Sorry Jess, my bad" she replied, and I like- glanced around the room nervously. "Jesse? You okay?" She asked "yeah, yeah I'm good!" I said. She looked at me for like a few seconds. "Would you prefer to be called Jase?" She asked me. I hesitated and my mom goes- "you've been putting down 'Jesse' on your worksheets for a while, are you possibly questioning your Gender? You seem to not like being call Jessica, you seem to not like your hair long like that, and I was wondering-" I replied with, "I'm Jesse, and I'm genderfluid, Hi mom" I said. "I won't call you Jessica then" she said, hugging me. I remembered I was crying, like really crying, in happiness that my mom had just accepted me. I woke up and I actually cried a little, still happy.

               I've been having a lot of dreams similar to that, dreams that are giving me a lot more confidence in coming out to people. I've actually told people I'm a furry, and they actually don't think it's bad, it's just a little strange, but like- we all have strange hobbies.

               I don't know why people hate furries, It's just a group of people that like anthropomorphic art and or characters. And yeah, spending a ton of money on a fursuit, it's weird, but cosplayers do the same thing. People have to realize that furries aren't that bad, it's just the bad parts of the community that are almost 'on display'

               Like- go ahead, hate on the weird people and the zoophiles and that kind of stuff, cuz I do too, but don't hate on the entire community.

               Actually, something pretty funny happened in my math class during the earlier trimester, I was drawing a furry OC in my math workbook, and my math teacher sees it and goes "wow that's a really good drawing!" He points up to some art on his wall and goes "if you want you can display it in here, I love displaying art from students!" And I go "okay" extremely awkwardly. I think since he is like in his late thirties and he plays Pokémon games, he didn't think 'fursona! furry!" He probably thought something along the line off- 'that looks like a Pokémon! I don't think there are any anthropomorphic dragons Pokemon! That's cool!'

               My science teacher actually played Fortnite the year it came out and he plays a bunch of shooter games, which would explain why he doesn't care when people shout curse words in his class, but IDK. My math teacher plays Pokemon, and Zelda, and other puzzle/ strategy games, my social studies teacher is an ex- theatre kid, who enjoys musicals about history (and tried to get me to write '1812 The Musical')

 Spoiler alert: 1812 The Musical is like- just a ten minute song

                  I also got invited to a Bat Mitzvah, and I have never been invited to one because I go to a catholic school, and a friend from outside my school invited me, and I have no clue what actually happens other that a service and a crazy party. So like- if you know what happens at a Bat Mitzvah, please tell me, I have no clue what actually happens

               I don't really have anything else to update on, but I think this is my longest entry so far at just over 800 words, so I probably won't update unless something crazy happens.

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