Chapter 3

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(Lectwist's pov)

I set America down in the passenger seat and then got into the driver's seat. Starting the car I drove to the nearest hospital to find the kids and America's siblings.

I reached the hospital parked the car and looked over at the sleeping country in the passenger seat, not wanting to wake them I get out of the car and get into the hospital.

Walking over to the front desk I stand at the front desk and start conversation with the lady.

"I'm looking for Michael(SC) Carol(NC) Annalise(SD) and Avery(ND) Jones." I said to the receptionist while tapping my finger on the desk as she searched through the files.

"And you are?" She asked with a smug grin.

"Kassandra LI. Jones, their mother." I responded to her annoyed but understanding.

"Rooms 103 and 104 of the third floor. I've notified the doctors of your arrival." The lady said handing me a key card that had the rooms on the card.

I left the desk and went to the elevator and quickly pressed the third floor button. I watched as a human entered the elevator with me and I looked down hoping I looked human and realized I had the same appearance I did when entering the world meeting building.

I tensed when the man smiled at me politely(For non-americans this is a very common thing in America and it isn't necessarily flirting-). I smiled back and when the elevator stopped we got off on the same floor.

I speed walked to the two rooms and slid the key card inside room 103 and entered, I saw Carol and Michael laying on the beds with their heads wrapped in bandages.

I stepped closer to them both, reaching Michael first.

"<How are you feeling?>" I ask him in my language, the doctors stared at me confused.

"<I feel fine mom, aside from the headache.>" He responded, I smiled at him and he sunk down i to the hospital bed. "<Am I in trouble? >" He asked quietly.

"<D.C will most likely scold you while the 13 find a suitable punishment but it won't strain you most likely.>" I responded to him, he sighed defeated before adjusting positions to get more comfortable.

I turned around to face my daughter.

"<I already heard. No need to tell me go tell the others.>" she said to me waving her hand dismissively. I nodded and got up from my seat.

"How much will the bill cost and what are the injuries sustained?" I asked the doctor in front of me, my eyes drifting to his nameplate that read 'Miller' on it.

"These two have small concussions with the bleeding head they sustained from landing on some sort of ceramic cup and the bill will be issued to you at the front desk." The doctor responded, I nodded and left the room to go check on the other two.

Entering the room with the key card I walk over to them.

"<D.C will probably scold you and the 13 will decide your punishment aside from the other twins.>" I said to them speaking the same language I said with the other two.

They both groaned in response since they would have to listen to D.C's scolding and receive punishment from the eldest kids.

I got up and left the room making my way to the elevator and going inside, I see the same human from before and hold the elevator door for him.

He smiles at me and I smile back.

"What a coincidence." He says to me getting into the elevator.

"Truely." I responded with a smile pressing the number one on the elevator buttons.

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