Chapter 1 : V.2

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(America's pov)

The light poured in from the windows, I rolled over and smacked my alarm off the nightstand. Opening my eyes the light blinded me. I looked over at Lectwist who was facing her closet and away from me.

I get up from the bed and walked over to my closet, grabbing my usual clothes, a black turtleneck with green camo undersleeves with green camo pants and my brown belt, along with the fishnets I wore on my hands that extended to my upper arms and legs.

I looked down to see what gender my body chose today, with a sigh I grabbed the binder.

Walking into the bathroom, I removed the hoodie I slept in and wrapped bandages around my chest then I slid the binder on, the bandages to make it more comfortable to wear. I then put my actual clothes on.

Grabbing the clothes that lay on the floor now and tossing them into the hamper I walk out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. I looked over at Lectwist who's still asleep and walk out of the bedroom.

Reaching the office doors I push them open and grab my things, shoving random documents into a briefcase in an unorderly fashion, closing and latching the briefcase. I looked over at the clock sitting on my desk. 6:45 it read, grabbing my briefcase and leaving the office.

Walking into the foyer I set the briefcase down on the floor.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled out to the family.

"Have fun!" Confetti yelled back, a few states snickering. I sighed and fastened the platform shoes I wore.

Opening the door I exit the house, reaching my car I see Hawaii and Alaska rush outside.

"Ma!" They both yelled in unison.

I looked over at them with a puzzled expression.

"Can we come with you?" Hawaii, the youngest of the kids asked me.

I watched as Amethyst walked out of the house, picking up Alaska and Hawaii.

"What has mom said about following ma?" Amethyst asked her younger siblings.

I chuckled and got into the car as Amethyst reprimanded her siblings. Starting the car I drove off to the meeting building.

(Lectwist's pov)

I wake up to the sound of yelling throughout the house, getting up I roll over to see America isn't in bed next to me. Looking at the alarm clock that now lays on the floor I pick it up and look at the time. 8:30 it read, setting the alarm clock back onto the nightstand I got up from the bed finally.

Walking over to my closet and grabbing a light blue pair of ripped jeans and black fishnets with a black hoodie that has a faded out american flag printed on it. Walking into the bathroom and changing, tossing the clothes I wore to bed into the hamper.

Stepping out of the bathroom I walked back over to my closet and closed the doors, going over to America's to close theirs I noticed one of the binders they have missing.

'Well, their screwed-'

I thought to myself as I closed the closet doors. Grabbing my crown and fan from my nightstand I put my crown onto my head and shoved my green and red fan into my pocket. Opening one of the drawers to my nightstand I grabbed my contact lenses since I'm going out. (Her eyes are pure black like America's but she has blue crescents, she does have a human form but her eyes won't change.)

Leaving the bedroom I walked down stairs and into the family room. I see Texas chasing after Florida with a revolver. Ohio's sitting on the couch with Amethyst, Hawaii and Alaska all watching Lilo and Stitch.

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