Chapter 4

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What the hell did I just do.

He was gonna hate me now even more than before.

I wasn't sure why I kissed him. I mean, I was curious if his lips were as soft as they looked, but I didn't think he appreciated me kissing him by the way he pushed me off of him and punched me in the jaw.

"What the fuck, Hayes!" He screamed.

Ouch. That really fucking hurt. All I did was kiss you asshole, no need to get so bitchy. I could feel my jaw tingling, the bruise already forming.

His lips really were soft though.

I stared at him, still in shock at what I just did.

Then the room started spinning. This wasn't just the alcohol in my veins. Well, the alcohol didn't help, but the hit made me stumble backwards as I fell to the ground.

We were both just staring at each other for a while. He was very handsome, I had to give him that. I always knew that. The way his black hair parted in the middle, his piercing shining through it, his gorgeous blue eyes looking at mine. Even when he was glaring at me, I found his eyes pretty.

Though, I never quite had the urge to kiss him before.

Did that make me gay?

I have been wondering if I'm gay for a while now, to be honest. But I always just came back to the conclusion that I'm not. I still like girls. But what if I was bisexual? That was like, the thing where I like both genders or whatever. I never looked into it, but maybe I should, since his stare was now making my face go bright red. I lifted a hand to my right cheek and it felt like it was on fire.

This was so, damn, embarrassing.

Should I say something? Or should I just leave?

Just as I was about to leave, he grabbed my wrist and tugged me back. I slowly turned around, kind of waiting for a another punch, or a kick, or something. But nothing came. No punches, no kicks, no hitting me at all.

"Why..." he trailed off. He looked both shocked and mad at the same time. "Why did you do that?"

Well, Kieran, hate to break it to you, but I had no idea either.

"I honestly don't even know."

"Are you gay?" he asked. I could clearly hear the seriousness in his voice. He was asking me this question seriously. No laughing at me for kissing him, for maybe being gay.

That kinda surprised me. He just, seemed like a person who would make fun of me if I was gay. Not that I was. I was not.

"I'm- I'm not" I said, trying to sound convincing. I know what it looks like. Not many straight guys kiss other guys.

But my dumbass stuttered, making me sound like I was obviously lying. Way to go, Dame.

"Yeah, right." he said and then quickly left. Probably going back to the circle, where I was as well, just a few minutes ago.

Honestly, I didn't really feel like partying anymore. With everything that just happened, including Kieran punching me, I just wanted to go home and get some sleep.

It was currently 11:54 pm. Saying I was tired and want to go home seemed pretty reasonable, when it was already this late.

I got up, way too fast, and lost my balance. I caught onto some chair that was conveniently right next to me, and then went out.

I came here with Jason, but he was long gone now. Probably with some girl. I sent him a short text.

To: Jace
hey man, im going home, i dont feel too well

I waited a few minutes for a response, and then my phone pinged with a notification.

From: Jace
okay, i see. you alright tho? i can give u a ride

To: Jace
nahh, u can stay and have fun, im just tired thats all

I said I was tired because I didn't want him to worry about me. If I had told him I needed a ride, I know for a fact he would drop whatever he was doing, just to get me home. I would do the same for him. But I could manage alone, it wasn't that far. It would probably take me around twenty minutes.

From: Jace
sure, see you on monday

When he responded, I turned off my phone, and tried to get out of the house as soon as I could. I accidentally bumped into some cute girl on my way to the door.

"Heyyy." she twirled the front piece of her long black hair and smiled at me.

"Hey there, sweetheart." I smirked. She was really pretty. I would totally take her home with me if I wasn't so fucking tired and if my jaw wasn't hurting. If the bruise was already visible, she at least couldn't see it, given that the room was fairly dark.

She lifted her hand and curled it around my bicep. "Are you going somewhere?" she asked, looking at me through her lashes.

"I'm going home." she looked excited at that, so I added "Alone. I'm sorry, darling, but I'm not feeling well today. Maybe next time." I winked at her. She smiled as she asked for my number, which I gave her.

After that, I got out of the house and went home.


It was 12:22 am when I got to my house. All of the windows were dark. Everyone was probably sleeping already. I took out my keys, and as quietly as I could, I opened the door and got in. I took off my green Converse and our school's varsity jacket, and went upstairs to my room.

"Where were you?" Rosalia asked, as she suddenly appeared in the doorway of her room.

"Uhh, at a party." I answered, truthfully.

"Do mom and dad know you came home so late?" She crossed her arms, grinning.

"No, and don't you dare tell them." I warned her.

"Okay, I won't," I sighed in relief, but then she added "but, you have to drive me and Hazel to the mall on Monday."

Ha. Of course she wouldn't cover for me for free. "Yea, sure, whatever, Rose."

Her smile was wide. "Thanks." and in a second, she was back in her room.

It was kinda inconvenient that Rose was best friends with Hazel, Kieran's sister. It meant that we sometimes had to see each other outside of school.

I really liked Hazel though. She and Rose had been friends for 8 years now. They met when Rose was 8 and Hazel was 9 years old. Hazel was always really nice to me and my sister. Not like someone we knew. Sometimes I couldn't believe that Hazel was Kieran's sister. She was so sweet.

Anyway, after I bumped into my sister, I got into my room without any more interruptions.

Thankfully, Elijah, Rosalia's twin and my younger brother, was already asleep, so he didn't see me come home.

I got undressed fast, only kept on my boxers, as I drifted off to sleep.


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